old blog

summer memories, part one.

i still can’t quite believe the summer is gone already.  call me slow to adjust, but how can three whole months be gone in just the blink of an eye?  at any rate, i’m just going to pretend that these next few blog posts are about things that just happened yesterday and pretend i’m not two months behind…  because in my mind, they DID just happen yesterday! cuz it’s still early august, right??

alright, so phil had taken a week off of work in order to study for his upcoming boards.  in order to help him really study and not just spend a week helping me take care of our kids, i decided to take the kids to my dad’s house for the week.  i figured it was just a matter of my getting us there and then my dad and step-mom would handle the rest.  and it worked out beautifully.  in fact, i felt like i was on vacation for the whole week!  they took care of the kiddos- fed them, entertained them, cleaned up after them…  it was awesomeness personified.

incidentally, that was also the week i found out i was pregnant again.  but i decided to wait until we were back home before i told phil.  mostly so he could be undistracted while he studied.  but keeping that secret for the whole week was tough!

anyway, so it was a pretty chill week with time just to relax, spend time with the kids and grandparents, and do nothing in particular if we didn’t wanna.

we didn’t even go out much this time around.  though we still did squeeze in a fishing expedition or two.  cuz that’s just how my dad rolls.

we spent one afternoon at the pond near my dad’s house.

grandpa and mikey conferring on a fishing strategy for the day.

this time, she wasn’t going to be left in the stroller the whole time.  she was gonna fish too, by golly!  it might have helped some to actually put the hook in the water, though.

but then again, maybe not since she managed to catch a pretty good sized fish all on her own!

trying out a different spot.  and conferring some more.

and for those not so interested in fishing, there was always the option of swinging from branch to branch.

but before long, the boy got back on the job and caught one!

this time he even wanted to hold it himself.  much to allie’s amazement.  or is it disgust?

not to be outdone, the little one trotted down for her turn.

and they caught one too!

following her big brother’s lead…

and quickly changing her mind.

aw well, maybe the stroller’s not such a bad idea after all.

mikey and grandpa managed to catch (and release) several more fish before we called it a day and headed home.  to eat steak.

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  • nancyfam

    omg, congrats on #4! i am behind on your blog and can only see the past 2-3 ones.

    i love love LOVE your pictures and your blog, you have a way with words, very entertaining to read.

    i'm a newbie to photography and have always admired the moments you capture with your camera.

  • Michelle

    Nancyfam- aw thank you! Your comment totally made my day. The best piece of advice I ever got regarding photography is to just keep shooting. You never know what moments you'll get that'll end up being your favorites! If you click on any of the months in the archives list you should be able to see older posts there. Thanks again for visiting!

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