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summer memories, part two.

while the kids and i were still at the grandparents’ house, my dad wanted to take us (mikey and i) deep-sea fishing.  it was something my dad and i used to do together pretty often when i was in high school and something we both enjoyed.  and when phil entered my life in college, it became the thing the three of us did whenever we visited my dad.  unfortunately, phil does get pretty seasick (but that never stops him anyway!), and so we weren’t sure how mikey was going to do on the boat.

turns out, he inherited his mommy’s sea legs and did great!  he had a fabulous time on the boat.  we all did.

thumbs up to a new adventure- this time out on the open sea.

see ya later, morro rock!

mikey announced he was hungry so the first order of business was to order him a breakfast sandwich from the boat galley.  i don’t know why, but food from a boat galley is THE BEST!  apparently mikey thought so too and ended up eating nearly the WHOLE sandwich.  save for the two bites i managed to get him to share.

before long, grandpa caught our first fish of the day!

mikey was fascinated and especially happy about the fact that we got to keep the fish this time.  then he wanted a snack.  do you recall that giant sandwich he downed less than an hour ago?  apparently, it wasn’t enough.  so i gave him a granola bar to tide him over until lunchtime.  sheesh!

not sure who enjoyed the day more, but i’m pretty sure they loved being on the boat together!

lunchtime came sooner than i expected and the boy was hungry AGAIN.  seriously, something about that boat galley food and the open sea air…

meanwhile, back to fishing…  we had been catching only small rock cod the whole morning (yours truly caught 8!) until grandpa hooked a big one.

mikey thought this guy was pretty impressive.

but alas, he was just short the minimum lawful length and no amount of stretching him out would get him there.  mikey was rather disgruntled about having to let him go.

so it ended up not being a super successful day in terms of the fish we caught, but it was definitely a winner of a day in other, more important ways.  🙂

as we headed back to the dock, the crew began cleaning and filleting the fish.  and the sea gulls began descending.

like crazy.

and for dinner that night…  delicious fresh fish on the grill!

thanks grandpa for a really fun day that mikey still talks about even now!

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  • Kate Avedissian

    oh Michelle, I remember your dad taking the two of us out…and that breakfast sammy we shared WAS deelish, eggs, bacon, avocado, and cheese. As i recollect you caught one of the biggest fish on the boat that day.
    It is great Mikey shares that with his Grandpa and Mama.

  • Lorie

    Your dad is awesome, Michelle. What a fun day (and beautiful…love the blue, blue sky)! I think Mikey's on a big growth spurt with all that food! Jenna has been that way for a while now too. Can't keep enough food in her!

  • Kelly

    Woah. This looks like fun! What a wonderful day . . . and lovin those sandwiches!!! Yum! Btw, the shots are great . . . the ones with the sea gulls are "scary". haha!

    Now to the fish market to get me some grill fish tonight!

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