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summer memories, part three.

i have a major headache.  that neither iced coffee nor tylenol has taken care of.  blast.

oh wait, that’s not what i’m here to write about.  i’m actually here to continue dwelling on summer memories and with the recent record heat wave this past week (113 last monday!), it’s actually not that hard to feel like it’s still summer.

oh and a few days ago, i came across an old rebate i was supposed to mail in but forgot to (don’t tell phil).  it was supposed to have been postmarked by the end of july and i honestly thought to myself, “oh good, then i have a couple more weeks left to mail it in”.  so i put it back on my dresser and there it still sits.

i’m awesome, i know.  really, there’s no need to tell me cuz i already know.  : p

aaaaanyway, what?  oh yeah, summer.  and for us, summer means vbs!  we love v-b-s!  the day after we got back from grandpa’s, our church’s vbs week started and the kids were raring to go.

v-b-s!  we love v-b-s!  the kids marched right in to the big auditorium to sit with their respective classes.  and i can’t tell you how disappointed and upset lauren was over not being able to stay and do vbs too.  man, it’s no fun being the littlest…

this year, i had the awesome privilege of helping take pictures for part of the week.  it was so much fun to be able to run around and see everything that goes in to making our church’s vbs such a great time for the kids.  not the least of which is this super energetic and lively praise team.

seriously, how could you not be pumped up after singing praises, and dancing around, and laughing along with a room full of cool and crazy kids and adults?  especially when they bust the sprinkler on ya?

after the worship time, the kids went to different rooms for bible lesson time…

story time…

craft time…

and outdoor compete-in-run-around-and-play-games time.  where it always helps to hatch a plan first.

teamwork also helps a lot, too.

not to mention pure intensity and putting your game face on, baby.

yeah, baby.

and could somebody please tell me why it is that girls will automatically lean in together and smile so nicely for a picture when you ask them to?

and boys will either give you their best squinched-up face or…

run away as fast as they can and dash up the twisty bars to get away from you?

ok, ok, i’m being a little unfair.  boys will stay still and smile nicely for you too.  but only sometimes.  this is incidentally one of mikey’s best buds.  he’s a great kid and we all really like him.  i think you can see why.  🙂

and this is my great kid and we really like him, too.

and this is our pastor.  he’s pretty cool too.

thanks to everyone who worked so hard to make this an awesome vbs week.  the kids had a wonderful time learning about our great God and can’t wait to go again next year!

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