old blog

summer memories, part four.

we have long been a family without a team to cheer for.  moving every few years has meant that we’ve felt no particular affinity or loyalty for any one team- be it basketball, baseball, football, or hockey.  and to be honest, i was pretty okay with that.  i was content to feel no real elation over “our” win or the agony of defeat of “our” team.  but this just would not do for phil.  he up and decided that we’ve gone teamless for long enough and it was time to change our ways.  it was time, in essence, to become team players.

and the team he chose to bestow our family loyalty upon?  none other than the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim.  though i think the recent name change is rather ridiculous.  but who am i to criticize OUR team??

phil’s method of picking our team was by the simple process of elimination.  being a northern california boy, he physically/psychologically/physiologically could not bring himself to root for any la teams.  so the dodgers and lakers were out.  and it’s not hockey season, so the ducks will have to wait for the tsais to jump on their bandwagon.  and there’s no southern california football team, as even arena football has left the area.  which leaves the lucky, lucky angels as the last team standing.

and so, we tsais headed off to angels stadium to see our team play.

and to be a tsai means you cannot attend a game without donning your brand new Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim (see?  it’s a mouthful!) team gear that your daddy went and purchased for every member of the family the night before.

daddy had us go on the night when all the kiddos got free Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim backpacks.

the father explaining the ins and outs of baseball to the son.

though i don’t know much about baseball myself, i do know you’re supposed to stand up and cheer when your team makes a homerun.  i’m also pretty sure you’re not supposed to cover your ears when the homerun fireworks go off.

i…  just don’t have any words for this one.

or this one.

trying to get a quick family picture.  but i suppose the giant tv screens, the cotton candy, the baseball game itself, were all too distracting to get ’em all to look in one direction.

lauren is all about being daddy’s girl.  especially when it means extra fistfuls of cotton candy for her.

but as soon as daddy left to take her sibs to the bathroom, she discovered the cute boys in the row behind her.

uh oh.

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  • michelle

    joyce- they lasted with a steady stream of food. hot dogs, popcorn, peanuts, and cotton candy. once it was all eaten, they were done. we left in the middle of the 8th inning. not bad, right? 🙂

  • Judy

    way cute! oh well, i guess that's the northern cal man's only option! so funny that he bought all new shirts! the name always bothered me too, but what can you do? the pics are a wonderful keepsake for a family tradition!

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