old blog

a perk.

it’s been really nice having phil around at home more often since he’s started this fellowship year.  more face time, more family time, more of a ‘normal’ schedule.  it’s been especially nice to have weekends (or a good number of them, at least) back.

but my most favorite perk of having my dear husband around more often?  witness below:

having him home more often means i get to see this sight pretty frequently.  and it’s quite possibly my most favorite sight in all the world.  lauren’s just there to supervise.


except when said dear husband absentmindedly puts in liquid dish soap instead of dishwashing detergent into the dishwasher.

which causes this to happen.  (yes, it was overflowing out onto the floor before he opened it).

then it’s not so much my favorite sight to see.  but it still makes me laugh.  🙂

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