old blog


i’m now 15 weeks along.  my head is spinning with how fast it’s all going, but i’m not quite yet ready to think about how fast the next few months are going to go and before we know it, baby #4 will be here.

i am very happy to report that all traces of nausea have finally left (a little over a week ago) and i’m *mostly* sure that i am done with morning sickness FOREVER.  hooray!

 i’ve had the same long bout with morning sickness with each of the pregnancies and one of the few things that helped was eating a particular food as soon as i was craving it.  on the flip side, the other thing that helped was having whatever food i couldn’t tolerate at the time immediately removed from my presence and all related smells quelled as soon as possible.

with mikey, i loved all burgers and meat, all the time.  i couldn’t stand bell peppers, carrots, or rotisserie chicken.

with allie, i dearly loved all fruits and vegetables but didn’t have any strong aversions to anything in particular.  strong smells however, were a different story.

with lauren, fruits and meat took center stage as my favorites.  oh and chocolate.  and lots of it!  again, i didn’t have any strong aversions, but there was this skunk who liked to roam around outside the door of the apartment we were living in at the time and would regularly spray his skunky odor every night.  that pretty much did me in.  we couldn’t move out of there fast enough.

and now with this one, i have to say i’ve had very distinct cravings randomly come on, though it hasn’t been isolated to any particular food.  except for coffee.  i’ve fallen hard for coffee.  and chocolate again.  my favorites.  i have been loving extra crisp apples and grapes, as well as a good handful of cheese-its now and then.  oh and golden grahams are awesome.  this time again, i can’t stand bell peppers and leftovers of anything aren’t well received.

and dear phil, with all his experience of handling an unpredictable pregnant wife, has been rather awesome this time around.  if i so much as mention a whiff of a food craving, he’ll invariably show up with it when he gets home from work.  lately, this to me is much better than his coming home with flowers.

and if the food item i crave can’t be had at the time (due to the lateness of the hour, or the impracticality of loading up the entire family and heading off in search of the kogi truck- though we have been known to do this a time or two), phil’s been great at whipping up his own version with surprisingly winning results.

one morning, i woke up needing a breakfast sandwich in my life.  so phil went ahead and made one for each member of the family.  i think i went ahead and ate his, too.  sorry about that, honey!

one evening, it was a kimchee burrito.  not pictured as it was inhaled (by me) almost instantly.  and then dear phil made me another one when i was craving it again a few hours later…  at eleven pm.

then thoughts of popcorn from popcornoplis (no substitute would do) flooded my brain.  so phil drove twenty miles out of his way after work and presented me with these.  this was before we discovered our local blockbuster carries popcornopolis too.  and because he wasn’t sure if i wanted sweet or savory, he went ahead and got me selections of both.  good thing they last for six months!

though i’ve never tasted triple berry cake before, one afternoon triple berry cake became my next craving.  and you guessed it, phil came home that night with not only one slice, but two!  🙂  the first bite in, i declared to phil that it was exactly the taste i was wanting.  even though i hadn’t ever tasted it before.  sometimes you just know. 

most recently, the craving has been for spicy kyochon chicken which was also too rapidly inhaled to be pictured here.  mmm, those were good.

and lest you think i’m the only one around here who gets cravings while pregnant, please allow me to show you two final pictures.

the only time a jar of chili bamboo shoots shows up at the house is when i’m pregnant.  and NO, it’s not for me.  the only time phil eats this is when i’m pregnant.  but he must eat them straight out of the jar and close the lid in between bites.  because of the smell.  OH THE SMELL.  it would knock you over with a feather.  a hummingbird’s feather.  and not in a good way.

this one is a newcomer with this pregnancy as i’ve never seen it, or phil eating it, before.  it has to be kept hidden from view in the fridge behind other jars because really, would you want to look at this every time you went to get the milk out?

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  • Kate Avedissian

    oh my, those pigs feet, ewww, sounds like you are having a boy, bell peppers seem to be a key. Ah, i do remember the skunk problem. What a guy you have.
    Funny, we have been on a home-made egg mcmuffin kick here too, i cannot get enough of them, and i'm not even close to being pregnant, must be sympathy. FYI, i think Costco sells those popcorns.

  • joyceandnorm

    Wow, how specific…and cravings for stuff you've never had. I love croissant breakfast sandwiches. I couldn't do the rottiserie chicken either. Besides the aversions, I could not brush my teeth without gagging …still happens now ever since then. =( But what a sweet guy you have to bring you food. Now I'm hungry…wait, I'm always hungry.

  • Judy

    what a thoughtful husband he is…that cake from sweet lady jane, you don't need to be pregnant to be craving that! Sounds soo good right now.

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