old blog

san diego.

so the very next weekend after we got back from seattle, we (correction: I) packed up again and we took off for san diego.  phil was attending a conference there and we decided to make a family trip out of it.  but let me tell ya, all that weekend traveling was crazy tiring and i feel like i’m still recovering from it all.  there is definitely something to be said for quiet weekends spent at home, too.  perhaps i’ll have something to say about that when we actually have one of them.  : p

but on to the post at hand!

the kids were suuuper excited to be going on vacation and didn’t even care that it was only for three nights.  in fact, that seemed to be just about the perfect amount of time for them.

daddy’s conference was in downtown san diego.  but they ended each day in the early evening, leaving just enough time to do some sight-seeing.

while window shopping, daddy found a necklace in a toy store for allie. 

since mommy got one the week before.  she wanted to wear it right away.

and was feeling pretty happy about it, i think.

not to worry, the other two kiddos also got presents too.  but allie-girl…  she just holds a special place right in the center of her daddy’s heart.

the next day, my brother’s family joined us for a day at the zoo!  (thanks to joanna’s tip that kids are free on sundays in october.  with three and soon-to-be four kiddos, the savings here are HUGE!)  yep, this is in fact my family, y’all.

it appears that we brought the seattle rain back with us as it was drizzly for much of the day.  thankfully our dollar store ponchos that we just happened to have in our stroller came in handy.  one by one, we slowly succumbed to the poncho and were all wearing one at one point.

we saw plenty of animals that day, but for some reason the best pictures i have were with the animal statues.  i wonder why that is?

behold the power of the poncho.  and i think perhaps my kids have spent too much time in front of the camera.

look what just popped up!

mikey fell in love with this baby polar bear.  (but see what i mean about the statues?)

well, at least these koala bears were being still as statues.

even if my cuddly koala bear wasn’t.

happily, the rain cleared up for the kids to enjoy some time at the playground.  the kids wanted to go down the slide all together and this is what i like to see…

a nice, orderly, not-fast progression…

down to a safe landing.  everyone has a good time, no one gets hurt, and mikey even gets to pretend he’s a rocket at the end.

but this one?  this is what i very much do not like to see.  there’s no order, no safe progression, and impending doom is imminent.

but thankfully daddy is right there to come to the rescue.  thanks, daddy.  (btw, i love how cousin j has enough sense to stay back and preserve himself from the danger).

psa- no kids or daddies were harmed in the making of the above pictures.

once all my monkeys cleared off the slide, baby j and her mommy got a turn.  which she loved!

after a full day at the zoo, we headed back to our hotel to relax and unwind.  witness the mesmerizing effects of the chipmunks movie on tv.  uh, close your mouth, my son.

meanwhile, baby j got a chance to do what she loves best- crawl around everywhere!  lauren came down to check on her.  the kiddos just adore their baby cousin.  🙂

and of course the requisite jumping on the beds also took place.

alas, our little trip came to an end much too quickly.  on our last day, we stopped to see the midway ship and have lunch before heading back home.

allie wanted a picture next to the princess in the white dress.  she didn’t believe me when i said she’d only be about the size of the princess’ shoe.

and whaddaya know?  the kids got a chance to run around and play with autumn leaves, too!

yay for fall!

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  • Janet

    wow, allie looks sooo teeny tiny next to that kissing statue. what a fun trip and kudos to you for braving the SD zoo (so much walking) w/ the whole family while preggers!

  • Anonymous

    Stella Lee- we call our alllie… allie-girl, too 🙂
    once again, you guys get the "super fun family" title. 🙂
    November 1, 2010 at 11:15am

    Jenny Lee- ok seriously…. you guys gotta stop having so much fun!
    November 1, 2010 at 12:47pm

    Wendy Lee- loving your road trip pictures. you are supermom!
    November 1, 2010 at 3:29pm

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