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this year, halloween kinda snuck up on us before i was even aware that the month of october was already in full swing.  we didn’t get to do the usual things one would do in october– no visit to a pumpkin farm, no pumpkin carving, no attempts at fall-ish pictures whatsoever.  we just ended up at a grocery store last saturday afternoon to let the kids choose a few mini-pumpkins and pick up a bag of chocolates just in case some trick-or-treaters might stop by.  (which phil warned me beforehand was likely not to happen as we are surrounded by chinese neighbors.  chinese neighbors who do not believe in handing out free candy to strange small children.)  still, i wanted to be prepared just in case.

sort of a let-down in terms of ushering in the fall this year.  but then again, today’s temp was 90+ degrees, so it’s kinda hard to feel all autumn-y while still wearing shorts and tank tops.

but ready or not, halloween weekend was upon us and it was filled from top to bottom with activities.  so we made it through mikey’s halloween parade and party, allie’s pumpkin party, a spooky bash, and two fall festivals.  and lived to tell the tale.  aided by a steady stream of halloween chocolates since, as phil predicted, not a single trick-or-treater could be seen in our ‘hood.   
alright, so the weekend o’ fun started on friday morning with mikey’s school party.  kindergarten may be all kinds of hard work, blood, sweat, and tears, but they still sure do know how to throw a party!
lauren and i got there just in time to see the costume parade get started.  who could that masked jengo fett be?
ah, none other than my sweet mikey!  who was very concerned after his dad let him know that jengo fett is actually a bad guy.  (hey!  how was i to know?  besides, it was the last costume left in his size at target when i picked it up the day before!)  so he informed me that he was the “good jengo before he turned bad”.  i said that was a perfect idea.  and he was satisfied.
mikey’s teacher.  who is way cooler than i ever was.
mikey’s big buddy.  who is way cooler than i’ll ever be.
lauren just learned how to do this latest trick.  and insisted on wearing these tights because her big sister was wearing tights that morning.
she loved going to see mikey at school.  and insisted on staying near him the whole time.  she’s been wanting to go to school too and saw this as her big chance.
alright, so we didn’t carve pumpkins this year.  but mikey was just as happy drawing on a pumpkin face with his classmates.  no cleaning of pumpkin guts + a kid who didn’t notice = win-win in my book.
lauren and i had to get going and so weren’t able to stay for the games and party, but mikey later came home with a bag full of goodies and reported that he had a great day.  and best of all, no homework!!
his very favorite thing from his goody bag.  because max from “max & ruby” wears the same teeth during his favorite episode.
that evening, the kids donned their costumes again to go to both their schools’ nighttime parties.
my pink 50s girlie.
she picked out the pink frilly deal to wear in her hair.  and i’m now noticing that it’s time to get her hair cut again.
and my pink 50s baby.  hello, my baby.
she just loved her 50s pink glasses.
even if they did keep sliding down her nose, librarian-like.
bowling with a plastic skull.
me and my girls at allie’s school.
and then halloween day was upon us and on went the costumes once more.  it was just after naps and allie wasn’t quite ready to give up her ‘b’ (blankie) and her drawing.  lauren wasn’t quite ready to give up her medieval hatchet.
cousins j and j (along with their parents) joined us for the evening’s fall festival.  one quick group picture before things started going downhill.
mikey and his friend j were inseparable at our church’s fall festival.  they had a blast.
allie and her friend a (j’s little sister) were also inseparable that night.  and lauren did her best to tag along with the big kids. 
towards the end of the night, uncle johnny and cousin j found the best seats in the house.  right near the bathrooms and the snacks.  soon enough, we all congregated around them.
and came home feeling like this was the best halloween ever.  🙂
the end.
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  • Jenny

    wow, what a busy weekend! we also missed out on our usual fall activites… seriously, where did the time go? all the kiddos look so cute, but i especially love allie and lauren's costumes. 🙂

  • joyceandnorm

    Love the costumes!!! Where did you get the girls' costumes?

    We're not big on Halloween over here, but we decided last minute to have a trunk at Trunk or Treat at our church. Not overly creative with our theme "bedtime" but the girls had fun.

  • michelle

    Thanks you guys! 🙂

    I got the girls' poodle skirts from etsy, made the tutus that went under them, and got allies shoes and the glasses from ebay. Kinda pieced it all together. I was happy with the way it came out even if I did forget their scarves!

  • Nancy Fam

    the girls' costumes are so cute and original. your pictures and blogs tell the best stories and i always enjoy reading them.

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