old blog


because the kids woke up much earlier than i wanted them to.

because phil had to work that day.

because i just wasn’t quite ready to face the day and all the tasks involved therein.

just because.

this past saturday the kids and i ended up having a backwards kind of day.

give it an official name, like “backwards saturday” or “topsy turvy day” or “pajama-rama. a go-go” and it sounds like i have a method to my madness, doesn’t it?

in any case and under whatever title, i let the kids stay in their pjs, teeth not brushed, girls’ hair not pulled back (which normally drives me crazy), and most other general needs completely untended to.  they played to their hearts’ content in the playroom.  then mikey asked if they could go out to the backyard.  being that it was still mid-morning and the sun was only just beginning to warm up in earnest, i decided that was a great idea.

so out they went, each with a muffin for breakfast in hand, along with various other toys and paraphernalia pulled out from the garage for another session of good old fashioned play time.  cuz kids need free, unstructured time to just play, right?  thankfully, my kids are pretty good at playing with each other and finding plenty of things to keep themselves amused.  so they had a grand ole time.

after a while, i figured it was the perfect time to let them paint out there, too.  since the inevitable mess could stay outside, and hey, they weren’t dressed for the day anyway.  so i scrounged up some old watercolor paint sets and let ’em have at it.

“dad’s rock star” in the midst of painting red mars in his outer space picture.

i don’t need to tell you how happy this one was about painting, now do i?

i made the little one wear a big bib over her pjs which she didn’t object to as long as she had her own paint set and brush and water cup and paper just like her big bro and sis.  then all was well in her world.

while the kids were engrossed in painting, i decided it was the perfect time to pick some lemons to make some lemonade.  having a single function gadget like a citrus juicer comes in quite handy when you just feel like making lemonade.  not so handy the rest of the time.

but what’s the point of having one of these in the backyard if you can’t make lemonade in the middle of a summery november day?

there is no point, i tell ya.

aside from making your kids think they had the best day ever since they got to paint AND drink lemonade in the backyard in their pjs.  like you planned it that way all along.

then it’s not such a bad point after all, i say.  🙂

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