old blog

rainy day.

last saturday, we had a rainy day.  not to be confused with a snowy day.  rain days just can’t quite compare to snow days.  but if i never experience a snow day again as long as i live, i think i would seriously be okay with that.  more than okay.  just don’t tell my kids that since mikey’s still been asking when it’s gonna snow here.  never, i think to myself with an inward smile.  outwardly, i try to let him down gently saying it just doesn’t snow in southern california.

so while we have no snow days to look forward to, we do have rainy days.  which are still considered a big deal in our house.  why?  because of mean mommy’s rule that states “children shall not use or play with umbrellas unless there is water falling from the sky.”  so whenever there IS water falling from the sky, the kids get all excited because it means the umbrellas and rain boots finally get to come out and play!

hey, i’m all about keepin’ it real with low-key fun.  🙂

especially when low-key fun involves a kitty, a doggy, and a bee umbrella!  a BEE, people!

dressed head-to-toe in pink.  and especially happy about the pink rainboots mommy got for her.

look!  it’s my baby bee!

but of course, it stopped raining as soon as the kids got all their gear on.  not to worry though, cuz that’s the perfect time to hunt for puddles to jump in.

the troops went to the backyard in the hunt for puddles.  baby puddles aren’t quite so fun.

but a poorly placed rain gutter spout leads to the discovery of a perfect puddle for jumping in.

there’s something very satisfying about being a small person who gets to stomp around splashing water everywhere.  until of course, the water gets into your small rainboots and makes your small feet all cold and clammy.

then it’s time to move on to other forms of entertainment.

tricycle riding is the perfect diversion when the rain stops.

and then it’s time to come back inside to dry off those cold, clammy feet and warm up with…  apple slices and sesame street.  i DID consider making hot chocolate, but then decided that hot chocolate must be earned.  freezing playing in the snow will definitely earn it for ya.  stomping around on a semi-rainy day doesn’t quite get you there though.  maybe next time, kids.  🙂

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  • Kate Avedissian

    you know…snow just isn't what it's all that cracked to be. I like it for like a day, then when it gets all dirty(i have a real aversion to dirty snow)it gets old. the assembly line of hats, gloves, coats, boots gets old fast too.

  • Michelle

    I well remember that from our winters in Minnesota. Which is why I'm pretty okay with never having another snow day again. 🙂

  • Lorie

    Love the umbrellas! What a darling picture of Lauren, too! Winter is just not the same without snow. I guess that's why we live in our 4-season climate. I could do without the bitterly cold days, though. Thankfully, we haven't had any of those this year…yet. The negative windchill months of January-February would be good months to come visit you for sure! 🙂

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