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we are completely and utterly stumped for a name.  so much so that we’ve even resorted to asking the kids for their input.  and it went something like this:

me:  allie, what shall we name your new baby brother?
allie [very decisively]:  mario.
me:  …huh?  what?
allie:  mario.
me:  mario.  interesting.  why do you like the name mario?
allie:  because i like that driving game, so let’s name him mario, ok?
me [surprised because we haven’t played that game in months]:  well, we’ll take your suggestion into consideration, ok?

me:  mikey, what shall we name your new baby brother?
mikey:  how about justin?
me:  why justin?
phil [to me]:  does he have any friends named justin?
me [to mikey]:  do you have a friend named justin?
mikey:  yes, but he’s in the other class but he’s my friend and we play at recess.  so let’s name my baby brother justin!

mikey and allie [in a chant-like chorus]:  mario!  justin!  mario!  justin!  mario!  justin!

and so.  we are still stumped for a name.  but at least we now have an until-we-decide-on-a-real-name-we’ll-call-the-kid-this temporary name:  mario.  as in, “i bought a blue baby blanket for mario.”  or, “we can save this shirt for mario.”  or, “just a hunch, but maybe mario will have troubles with someone named wario somewhere down the line.”

so at least that’s something.

otherwise, we’re still completely stumped.  any suggestions for the suggestion box?  aside from mario and justin.  they’ve already been submitted.

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  • Jen

    Watch out — my friend Emily jokingly started referring to her unborn baby boy as Rocco and her young daughter picked up on it and despite the fact that they named him Joseph everyone calls him Rocco. So you might have a Mario whether you want one or not!

  • Kate Avedissian

    Ah, I remember this when Lauren was being developed. Aaron, Aiden, Liam, Jackson (with the nick name of Jack-jack-attack), Micah, Ethan, Isaac…just a few to consider. Hee, hee, this is exactly why we only have 2, picking the perfect name is hard work. Good luck.

  • Jenny

    uh-oh… not a good idea to have temporary names with the kiddos. it's liable to stick and you'll end up with mario for real.
    the trick is, if you have a name you like and the hubby disagrees, you get the kids and everyone else you know to start calling the baby that name. eventually, it'll stick with the hubby. how do you think we named bethany? 😉

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