old blog

family-style christmas.

this year’s christmas was extra special because the kim clan was able to all be together for the weekend at the grandparents’ house.  this is the first year we’ve been able to do that and hopefully not the last.  christmas day was packed with a lot of fun stuff and a whole lotta spending good times together.

there was the opening of presents after a big breakfast.

there was the “awww yeah!” reaction at a new race car toy.

there was grandpa’s lap to sit on in the midst of the present opening flurry.

there were big decisions to be made, like whether the new toy or the wrapping paper is the most fun after all.

there was also the showing off of new gadgets for the dads.

there was the making of chocolate cake by a lovely auntie, along with the help of one small assistant who happens to love chocolate.  and mixing.

and when that lovely auntie let the small assistant mix all by herself…

well, there was there was happiness and joy to behold.  the aforementioned lovely auntie was also going to let the small assistant crack an egg by herself too.  but the mean mommy pulled the plug on that idea in two blinks.  just goes to show you who’s the fun one around here.  and here’s a hint, it’s not me.  : p

then there was the group effort to decorate a gingerbread village.

there was a different approach by each decorator.  this one was very meticulous in the placement of each tiny candy.  the headlight proved instrumental in such detailed work.  i’m sure michelangelo would have appreciated just such an accessory when painting the sistine chapel.

there was a more free-form approach by this little artist.

and there was the more-is-more approach by this who is still my baby.  just look at those teeny baby hands who think they’re all grown up!

of course, it just wouldn’t be the same without a bit of silliness thrown in, too.

and there was the mommy-daughter team approach, too.

there were daddies/uncles on hand to apply some more glue-i-mean-icing when needed.

and to generally keep the morale up in order to see the project through.

and when all was said and done, there was the smiley satisfaction of a job well done.

there was the finished village and the proud decorators.

which lasted only a moment before the village pillage commenced to start.

and don’t let this sweet little baby face fool you for a second.

cuz she was the most ferocious of all!

then there was the “happy birthday, Jesus” song and cake time (thanks to uncle j and auntie j!).

then the blowing out of candles which was another group effort.

and then a moment to pray and thank Jesus for coming, for this fun day we enjoyed, and for the love and blessings of family.

(sidenote- anyone related to the gray-haired gentleman in the picture knows that having a vast wardrobe consisting almost entirely of camo is not such an oddity, and therefore not so random when a certain family decides to don all camo for a certain christmas photo card.  just sayin’.)

and finally, a group effort to say merry christmas and happy new year to you, too!  hope your christmas memories were great this year.  🙂

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  • Stef

    What a wonderful story. Love the headlight shot while hard at work on the decorating 🙂 Thanks for sharing Michelle! Glad you had a wonderful Christmas with those that love you most. Have a Happy New Year as well!

  • Anonymous

    Joanna Kim- Hey Michelle– great recap! love the pics! we all had so much fun!
    December 31, 2010 at 10:27am

    Michelle Tsai- joanna- even with all those pics, i feel like there's so much i still left out! like the phil's marathon lego tank building, all of mira's food for us, trying to get on jeremiah's prayer list… 🙂

    and someday i WILL get pictures to you!!
    December 31, 2010 at 11:15am

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