old blog

new year’s day.

phil was home this past weekend which was, in and of itself, a special treat.  and being that saturday was the first day of the new year and all, i decided to start us off with homemade cinnamon rolls.

and it would’ve been all the more awesome if i had remembered to let the rolls rise long enough, too.  but i was too hungry to wait.  maybe next time.

after leisurely taking our time getting ready in the morning, the afternoon found us at the zoo.  we had been debating whether or not to get the yearlong zoo membership, until the zoo sent us an offer we couldn’t refuse.  a reduced rate AND a plush elephant thrown in the sweeten the deal.  whenever a free plush animal is on the table, phil physically cannot say no.  and here we be.

lauren and mikey were having issues with the sharing of the one plush elephant.  and that’s all i have to say about that.

this girl on the other hand, had no interest in the plush elephant whatsoever.  why?

because she was far too occupied with the eating of kettle corn.  we had bought one large bag.  ONE.  and then realized there were three small people who were having issues with sharing that day.  and then phil and i struck upon our best idea of the day- forming makeshift popcorn cones out of zoo maps.  one for each.  and then peace and harmony reigned supreme in our little kingdom once again.  the end.

btw, let’s just go ahead and ignore the obvious need for a diaper change in the picture above, shall we?

anyway, what was i saying?  oh yes, peace and harmony.  and popcorn cones.  it was a a defining moment.  a triumph, really.

i rather like triumphant, defining moments.  and quiet, non-squabbling kids.  especially when i’m trying to enjoy a day at the zoo with my family.

the REAL the end.  ๐Ÿ™‚

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  • Anonymous

    Brooke Fermin- You make me want to blog… ๐Ÿ™‚ So funny! David was off for 5 DAYS! So we enjoyed him as well. First time in 5 years for Christmas time. ahhh…. Your kids are adorable and after going to underwater world at the mall of America last week, Luke turned to me and asked when we were going back to the "cool aquarium with Mikey and the spraying water." ๐Ÿ™‚
    January 3, 2011 at 7:02pm

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