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christmas favorites.

the kids had two weeks off for christmas vacation.  two whole weeks.  we stayed home.  we (i) slept in.  we ate a lot.  we napped.  we had a verrrry loose structure to our days.  and these are the pictures of little moments in those two weeks that i kinda want to have back.  especially the sleeping in part.

allie’s school christmas program.  allie’s class were all angels.  she’s in the front row.

(mikey had his school program the following evening, but since phil had to work late, it was just me and the girls in a packed auditorium and not really any chance of taking any pictures.  boo.)

getting photo cards from dear friends and loved ones- definitely one of my favorite things of this time of year.  doubles as a good way of covering up the wood paneled walls.

getting a handwritten card from mikey…

and the little surprise notes hung up on the walls.  both were special favorites from this christmas.

the three small kiddos also spent some quality time together.  with the ipad.  see the one in the middle?  she’s the most tech savvy of em all.

this small girl has gotten in to accessorizing lately.  matching earrings need not apply.  her pink reindeer pjs are another favorite of hers (mine, too).

counting down the advent with the kiddos.  didn’t matter that we started twelve or so days late.  actually kinda worked in my favor since each kid was then able to stick something up each day instead of having to take turns.

(ps- i wasn’t kidding about the wood paneling madness in the kitchen.  and now you will get to behold our lovely blue carpet that contrasts so nicely with our red carpeted living room.  we like living on the edge.)

getting to snuggle in and read special christmas books together before naptime.

having daddy read about the first christmas at bedtime all through december.

the kids now know the story of Jesus’ birth enough to have done a couple reenactments.  another favorite memory that i managed to catch on video.

seeing phil’s complete surprise and utter elation at his christmas present this year.  he like totally had no idea what i got for him and was blown away by such a thoughtful gift.  [insert appropriate level of sarcasm here].

opening presents on christmas eve morning (since we were going to grandpa’s house later that day).

seeing mikey’s happiness upon opening a gift from one of his classmates.

ok, so the suprise and elation actually did occur once i opened my surprise gift from phil.  he tends to outdo me in gift-giving.

but the declaration that this is mommy’s computer only was rather short-lived.  (but i love how mikey’s holding lauren’s hand in this picture.  not sure who initiated it, but i love it).

SUPER short-lived.

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