old blog

the tooth story.

once upon a time, exactly four weeks ago to be exact…

there was a not-so-little little boy whose tooth came loose!

and exactly four weeks and one day ago, the mom who was helping the not-so-little little boy brush his teeth before bedtime, thought to herself that the wiggly, waggly tooth was going to pop out at any minute and resolved in her mind to take a picture of the crazily angled loose tooth first thing the next morning before it popped out.

but alas, early the next morning, while the mom’s sleepy head and half-closed eyes were still reposing on her pillow, the not-so-little little boy sat down on the pillow next to her and began talking to her.  in mid-sentence, the boy stops and startles in surprise.  “mommy, look!” he says.  the mom peels open her eyes and beholds in the not-so-little little hand one small pearly white tooth.  “MY TOOTH JUST CAME OUT!”  shouts the boy gleefully.  the mom is fully awake now and the first thing she yells is, “NO!!!  I DIDN’T GET A PICTURE OF YOUR LOOSE TOOTH YET!!!”  the boy, ever the appeaser, says, “it’s okay mommy, i can just stick it back in my mouth so you can take a picture of it.”

but the mom decided not to take the fake picture and chose to live with the small regret of a missed opportunity instead.  but was forever grateful that her not-so-little little boy was right there with her the moment his very first tooth came out so that just the two of them could share that little moment together.

because the tooth had been loose for weeks, they’d been reading books about teeth to help him know what to expect and feel prepared.  he was most excited that now he had a gap in his mouth where he could stick a straw in to drink.  he thought that was cool.

and because the mom had a few weeks to get ready for the big event, she also hopped on etsy and purchased a special tooth pillow for this special occasion.  she momentarily considered making it herself, but then her reality reasserted itself and she figured it would be best to not reinvent the wheel this time.  so she actually went ahead and purchased four special tooth pillows because from experience, when one gets something, they all must get something.

and so that night, the not-so-little little boy carefully tucked his first baby tooth into the special tooth pillow.

and then slipped the special tooth pillow under his spiderman pillow.  even though he’s not really in to spiderman anymore.  but those are the only character sheets he has and hasn’t made much of a fuss over sheets in general.

but then the not-so-little little boy decided that maybe he’d better keep the special tooth pillow next to his spiderman pillow instead of under it.  so that it would be easier for any special visitors to spot it in the dark.  then he proceeded to pretend to be asleep with a hand on the special tooth pillow just to keep it close.

many hours later, the mom slipped back in to his room to find him really asleep, but with the hand still protectively close to the special tooth pillow.

bright and early the next morning, the not-so-little little boy came in to the mom’s room and stood before her while her sleepy head and fully closed eyes were reposing on her pillow.  which was not an easy task as her side of the bed was next to a wall, so the not-so-little little boy had to scramble over the sleeping dad and jump across the sleeping mom in order to slip down beside her head and announce, “LOOK WHAT I FOUND IN MY TOOTH PILLOW!!!”

it so happened that the not-so-little little boy got a 2-er instead of a 1-er because late the previous night, the mom and dad discovered that neither one had a one-dollar bill in their wallets.  in fact, the mom had NO bills of any denomination in her wallet, as is often the case with her.  but the dad remembered that a crisp, new 2-er had been hanging out in their mail holder for a couple of years and so they decided to use that instead.  it is uncertain what the disappointment level will be when it’s discovered that the pay scale drops for the next tooth.

and when asked what happened to his tooth, the not-so-little little boy discovered this!

the end.

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  • Kate Avedissian

    that is such a sweet story, I love the pillow and the little book thingy. I think the $2 bill is awesome, those things are so rare. (or they used to be).
    Good job mommy, i need to get on the ball and start getting those things, i'm sure Ian will be there sooner than I think

  • Jenny

    aw, i love this post. congrats to mikey on losing his first tooth! i give austin 50 cent or dollar coins that i've been saving up over the years.
    that tooth album is a great idea. sure beats putting it in a ziploc (which we have).

  • Esther

    hehe, i like how in that first picture of Mikey showing off his tooth he's wearing a great white shark tee-shirt. how apropos! šŸ™‚

  • Anonymous

    Brooke Fermin- ah! šŸ™‚ You were lucky, you had weeks to prepare! We had about 12 hours between noticing it was loose and then out! Yikes! Where did you get the tooth book? What a fun idea. Did you feel like crying too? šŸ™‚
    January 8, 2011 at 2:13pm

    Christine Nah Song- ooh . .that book that holds the teeth is cool. where'd you get it? i have all of mine in plastic bags.
    January 8, 2011 at 4:23pm

    Stella Lee- am i the only mom who has no desire to keep my kids' baby teeth? you are a sweet mommy michelle! i think i'll do the money under the pillow, but i don't think i'll be keeping the teeth…maybe a photo of the first lost tooth, but that's as far as i can go. šŸ˜›
    January 8, 2011 at 9:14pm

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