old blog

girls night in.

during the christmas vacation, phil, ‘uncle’ james, and mikey went off for a boys’ night out.  i could see allie was wanting to go too, so thinking off the top of my head, i told her that the boys leaving means we get to have Girls Night In.

she wasn’t quite sold.


so i continued that Girls Night In involved doing everything Girls Like To Do without any boys around to bother us.

she was listening.

[the boys slipped out].

i listed off a few of her favorite things to do and suddenly, Girls Night In sounded waaay better than boys’ night out.


so while the boys went to a ucla basketball game where they saw such things as…


oh, and some of this…

plenty of snacks + no need for inside voice = happy boy.

Girls Night In was in full swing back at the house.  after a quick dinner, it started with a…

dance party!  set to some christmas jams.  twas the season, after all…

followed by…

the painting of nails!

and ended with…

a princess movie!  actually, it ended up being a barney dvd.  the princess movie was nowhere to be found, so barney had to step in as a last-minute sub.  which was okay with the girls, but only cuz the dvd case was purple.

and at the end of the night, two little girls went to bed pretty happy with their very first Girls Night In.  and a little later in the night, a very happy boy and daddy returned home full of stories of their own adventure.  and when all was said and done, this mommy was very happy to have one and all back together under one roof again.

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  • Anonymous

    Brooke Fermin- Cute! 🙂 you'll have to tell me how to do all this when our little girl gets big enough!
    January 13, 2011 at 8:57pm

    Kate Avedissian- love,love, love it. The only thing missing was eating an entire plate of fresh-from-the oven brownies.
    January 14, 2011 at 9:47am

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