old blog

the launch.

we got to spend the day with my brother’s family a couple weekends ago.  it was a pretty near perfect day.

we brought a rocket.

and we launched it.

four times.

and no one got their eye poked out.

“ready my son?  begin the countdown.”

“4… 3… 2…”

the arguably smarter half of the group stayed a safe distance away.  my brother also reasoned it would  be much easier to claim they weren’t with us should any law enforcement officer type persons arrive to haul us away. 

“1!”  …  …  “did you push the button?” … “push it again.” … “huh.”

[please standby.  we are experiencing technical difficulties.  thank you for your patience.]

“ok, let’s give it another go.  count us down, boy.”

“3… 2… 1!”

 and we have lift-off!

whoa, that’s going pretty high.  everyone, take cover!

“let’s do it again!”

notice how the arguably smarter half of the group has abandoned their safe-distance-away post?  heh heh.

rocket launches.  bringing joy and happiness to one and all.  (and my apologies for not getting auntie joanna entirely in the picture.  i took the one picture before my better sense to run back for cover took over).

and then the girls wanted to shoot the rocket, too.

it’s no secret who this girl’s favorite uncle is.  šŸ™‚

then we decided not to push our luck any further and left the rocket launchpad and moved on to feeding ducks.  and seagulls.

have i mentioned how much i love living closer to family so that our kids can have the blessing of growing up with their cousins?  well, i totally do.

rare family pic.  (see?  i was there too!)  thanks, joanna for taking it!

ahh, there’s just something special about daddies and daughters.

yep, just something special. 

(she just spotted a bird sitting on top of a lamppost.  she’s always had a thing for birds.)

like i said, a pretty near perfect day.  šŸ™‚

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  • MillerMilleu

    I am amazed at your ability to blog with 3 little ones to care for constantly. You guys are good at capturing the fun times, and planning them! We seem to fly past the events without a thought about a camera and if we do remember, we pull out the cell phone. some little fingers destroyed my faithful camera and now i have no idea how to download pictures from my phone! SO one day, when we don't need so many other things, we'll get a camera and keep folks posted. For now, you are inspiring and i love seeing your smiling faces! God bless you and your family outings.

  • Anonymous

    Lorraine Kajikawa- what fun! where do you buy a rocket? (i would never think to buy one!)
    January 19, 2011 at 12:48am

    Michelle Tsai- there's a hobby store that sells remote control cars, boats, planes, etc on pch in the lomita/torrance area. we randomly came across it and the boys (mikey and phil) wanted to go in and look around. i never would've thought to buy one either aside from a certain 6-year-old's recent fascination with rockets and his dad's claim that every boy has to shoot a rocket at least once in his life. šŸ™‚
    January 19, 2011 at 3:30pm

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