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if you were to ask her, she’d say she wants to be a mommy when she grows up.  and she’s lately decided that she needs to learn how to do what mommy does in order to be a mommy herself one day.  i like the way the girl thinks.

which means, she’s been hanging out with me quite a bit in the kitchen as i’m cooking dinner.  and since she’s the one who is usually around, she tends to be the one who gets to help with things like stirring the sauce, or adding ingredients to the pan.  i’m not together enough to remember to call little people to come help, but if you make it a point to be around, i’ll usually end up putting you to work.  it’s kinda just how it goes around here.  sort of a melded “squeaky wheel gets the oil” and a “you snooze, you loose” kind of thing.  anyway, you get the point.  and i tend to think she does too. 

she also gets the added highlight of boasting to daddy that she made dinner all by herself when he gets home.

and after dinner, when the others scamper off to play, she’s most often the one still hanging around.  so one night, while daddy was doing the dishes, she asked if she could help.  he said yes, only to comment to me later that it took twice as long with help than if he had just done it himself.  ah but, a mommy-in-training’s gotta start somewhere, right?

dishwasher loading 101.

“ready for the next one!”

“got it, daddy-o!”

who knew dishwashing could be so much fun?

so fun in fact, that she needed to jump for joy.

and then bust out her happy dance.

and revel in the sheer giddiness of it all.

before getting back to work.

i think her next lesson shall be laundry folding 101.  it’ll make her day.  and definitely mine, too.

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