joy of love


before the new year started, i seriously considered doing the photo-a-day project for 2011.  started getting excited about the prospect.  but ultimately decided against doing it this year because i knew i’d kinda be setting myself up to fail what with a newborn coming in a couple months and then another major move this summer.  so maybe not this year, but definitely will reconsider for 2012.

and then comes along this opportunity to take karen willette’s free online class for the month of february with photo assignments for each day.  28 days.  the theme for the month is “joy of love”.  i figure i could maybe handle that and have fun in the process without as much pressure as committing to an entire year.

so, here goes day one: what they do.

i chose mikey doing homework for this assignment.  because it’s something he and i do for at least an hour and half every single day.  sometimes even on weekends just to catch up.  on the one hand, i’m immensely proud of him for his diligence and willingness to do so much work each day without that much protest.  he just buckles down and gets it done.  on the other hand, i hate that there’s so much busywork and pressure on kindergarteners to do this amount of work.  it robs them of childhood and definitely takes the joy out of learning.  so there’s much phil and i are considering in terms of schooling our children next year.  but that’s another story…

in any case for this year at least, this is something mikey and i sit together to get done every day.  and so i thought i’d get pictures of him hard at work today.

here he is writing in his home journal.  he says it’s his favorite part of homework because he likes to hear what his teacher writes back to him.  look at them little bitty baby hands.

and here’s a bonus one.  cuz uh, i AM sitting there with him for an hour and a half every day.  i had the time to take a few extra shots.  this journal entry was written back in november the day mikey found out we were having a baby boy!

click here to if you’d like to join me in this month long endeavor.  did i mention that it’s free?  the class is called the joy of love.  be back tomorrow!  πŸ™‚

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  • Esther

    yay, i like this class you're taking because that means there will be more posts! πŸ™‚ thanks for sharing all your family pictures.

  • joyceandnorm

    I agree with you about the homework. My sister teaches K at a private school and she agrees with us too. I am struggling to figure out what we want to do for school, so I'd love to hear your thoughts on that. But it is amazing how much kids know at a young age nowadays. Melody is "reading" (half memorization/half sounding out) books already, so I wonder what they could teach her in school. I think we were learning the alphabet when we were in K.

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