joy of love

then and now.

of course i have to be 7+ months pregnant for this third photo assignment.  but then again, it’s not as bad as when i had to renew my driver’s license picture when i was 9 months pregnant with allie.  that was sure something.

so today’s assignment:  then and now.

i believe i will just go ahead and post the pictures without too much commentary lest i depress myself even further.  my, how we’ve aged.  : p

this is us then.  i took a picture of a picture from a scrapbook i had made for phil of our first married year.  back before children.  back on our honeymoon, just three days after our wedding day.  a little over nine and a half years ago.  goodness.

and this is us now.  it’s okay to gasp.  i kinda did.  mikey took this picture of us a couple weeks ago.  pictures of just the two of us are very few and far between.  and perhaps that’s not entirely a bad thing.  heh.  šŸ˜‰

i didn’t want to crop in any tighter because then the audible gasp would turn into wailing and gnashing of teeth.  kidding, sort of.  but despite the inevitable effects of time and no longer looking like such a spring chicken, i’m still glad to be next to my best friend, still thankful to have had almost a decade together, still looking forward to the rest of this adventure we’re on.  together.  he’s still the best in my book.

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