joy of love


our middle child is the quintessential girlie girl.  i think i’ve mentioned this before?  she’s also perhaps our most creative, imaginative child too.  a typical look for her would be a princess dress and some taped on bits of paper that she calls her jewels.  we hesitate to throw any bit of what we’d call trash away, be it fabric scraps, unused wooden chopsticks, paper cups, old envelopes, because as soon as we do, she’ll come running in and protest that she needed that [insert trash bit here] for her next creation.

one recent afternoon, i noticed that she’d been awfully quiet for some time and decided to go find out what she’d been up to.

enter assignment #4:  what they wear.

i found her in the bathroom, happily attaching a mini tiara to her head.  with masking tape.
she was pretty happy with herself as she admired her handiwork.
until she decided to remove her tiara and discovered that putting masking tape on one’s head is the fun part.  removing said masking tape on the other hand, is quite another story.
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