joy of love


hate is such a strong word.  i generally do not like to use it in everyday speech.  but when it comes to certain things, a general dislike does not quite capture how i feel about it.  one such area is clutter.  i hate clutter.  and currently, there are three (soon to be four) of them and only one of me.  which means i lose the clutter battle on a daily basis.  and as much as i try to be okay with it and accept as part of this season of life, at the end of the day, i still hate the clutter.

assignment #5:  love to hate.

this is the scene after only ten minutes in.  believe me, it gets much, much worse.

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  • Anonymous

    Love your pictures! (I like how Mikey's chair is upside down.) Love this project! You inspired me to sign up for it. I might not get to it for a while… but at least I have the emails. (Initially, I didn't sign up because I thought I had to post pictures online.) -Evangeline

  • joyceandnorm

    I know what you mean. I hate clutter…it clutters my brain when I see it, but have to live with a little of it. Luckily I passed on my neat freak genes to my girls. They like to "put back" things most of the time….unless we're at my sister's house. Oops!

  • Anonymous

    Stella Lee- we definitely see eye to eye on this. i cannot stand clutter. it drives me mad!
    February 6, 2011 at 8:06am

    Michelle Tsai- stella, you're usually so cool and collected. i'd kinda like to see you stark raving mad! hee hee…
    February 6, 2011 at 9:37am

    Stella Lee- unfortunately, my kids can probably tell you of the many times I have lost my cool…Peter, too…but we won't get into that here. 😛
    February 6, 2011 at 2:45pm

    Michelle Tsai- Well then, I'm glad I'm not the only one! Ooh the stories my family could tell… Thankful all the more for God's grace and forgiveness. 🙂
    February 6, 2011 at 3:01pm

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