joy of love


one thing phil really enjoys is music.  whether it’s listening, singing, or playing, he enjoys it all.  he led worship for our church and college group for a number of years.  his ability to play a mean guitar was one of the things i admired about him way back when.  lugging his guitar around with us was a normal part of our dating years.

unfortunately, the majority of his time since we’ve been married has been taken up with his schooling, training, working.  so much so that things like hobbies have long been pushed to the back burner.  and his guitar has seen way more dust rather than playing time in recent years.

but there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  this fellowship year is coming to an end and a new chapter will begin for phil as he begins a ‘normal’ job.  hopefully one that will include more time for him to enjoy his hobbies once again.

assignment #9:  passions and hobbies

time to tune ‘er up and get those callouses back on his fingers!

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