joy of love


assignment #10:  space- where they are comfortable

when lauren needs a bit of alone time, we can most often find her parked on our bed in our room.  i purposely keep our room dark so that i can slip in there from time to time, and hide from my kids, i mean get a bit of rest.  i call it my bat cave.  she doesn’t mind the darkness as long as her two favorite things in the world are in there.  the memory foam pillow and the ipad.  and they usually are.  she props herself up on daddy’s memory foam pillow, casts all other pillows and blankets aside, and does her thing on the ipad.  it amazes us how she knows how to unlock it, scroll through the pages to select her various preschool game apps and videos, adjust the volume, and knows where to click to get her stuff started.  neither phil or i taught her how to do any of that.  she just figured it out on her own after watching us a few times.  she even figured out how to lock the orientation of the screen and we had to go online to find out how to unlock it.

kids these days…

in any case, this is without a doubt her happy place.  and she’d stay here all day long if we let her.

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