joy of love


if you were to ask him, he’d say he wants to be just like his daddy when he grows up.  which means, if you were to ask what he wants to do when he grows up, he’d say he wants to be a doctor.  he’s not quite clear on what exactly daddy does at work, but mikey does know that he works in a big building called a hospital, wears blue pajamas to work, and uses cool tools to help people feel better.  and that’s good enough for him.  though he does avoid the touchy subject of giving shots altogether.  it’s probably best not to bring it up.

his daddy and i aren’t even sure we’d want him to become a doctor when he grows up.  of course, we’d support him in his career choice if he really, really wanted to.  but otherwise, we’d not really be inclined to push him in that direction.  there’s quite a bit of sacrifice and stress and hard times involved.  his daddy actually thinks trade school is the way to go.  but in any case, i think it’s a fine aspiration to want to be just like his daddy in most other ways.  because his daddy is a pretty cool guy. 

assignment #11:  dreams.

getting some doctoring practice in one afternoon when we visited daddy’s work.

and getting an early start on writing all those doctor notes.  on post-its.  his note translated: “all his surgery is OFF.”  he does love being the bearer of good news…  🙂

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  • joyceandnorm

    Love that he wants to be like daddy. I don't want my kids to be doctors. Haha I can only imagine the stress and pressure. But it is also very rewarding. So far Melody wants to be a ballerina, teacher, mommy, writer, and artist.

  • Anonymous

    Brooke Fermin- Hee hee! I love that he wrote a note saying surgery was off. 🙂 David and I also feel that we should encourage our kids in other directions… I feel badly for their wives just thinking about it! Of course we will also support God's plan for them! So far we are off the hook– astronaut! Although vaulting my firstborn into space sounds worse to me… Perhaps I should push MD! 🙂 Love your sweet posts!
    February 11, 2011 at 11:47am

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