joy of love


ok, so i’m not completely satisfied with these photos.  the truth is that i very rarely am with any of my photos.  gah.  but it was the best i could do today with two somewhat silly, bouncy, kinda unwilling to hold still for any amount of time subjects before i gave up and called it a day.  and then realized i shoulda adjusted my aperture in order to get more of their faces in focus.  and then realized i just wanted a nap more than anything else.  hey, i’m all about the priorities, ya know.

assignment #12:  the eyes.

the boy.  looking at his eyes make me happy.  in them, i see gentleness, compassion, silliness, exuberance, inquisitiveness, forgiveness, tenderness.

and that sweet little dimple in his cheek?  that is one of the very few contributions i have made to his physical appearance.  😉

the girl.  in her eyes, i see sweetness, sensitivity, a maturity beyond her years, her love for beauty, kindness, generosity, shyness, loveliness. 

and yes, it makes me sad that her round, baby cheeks are diminishing by the day.

what about the other little girl, you ask?  well, she spent her day driving me nuts with her two-year-old self and was down for a much-needed nap during this little photo session.

but not to worry, i’m sure she’ll pop up here sometime soon with another of her antics.  🙂

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  • Anonymous

    Agatha Shim- question…was allie every in a commercial for disney?…here in germany, there is a commercial with several children and i swear one looks exactly like allie…..

    anyways, your babies are growing way to fast and cute as ever….can't believe how big lauren has gotten….can't wait till 4th comes…..
    February 14, 2011 at 10:56pm

    Michelle Tsai- thanks agatha! How are moving preparations coming along? You are awesome for doing these international moves!

    How funny that you've seen an Allie lookalike. No, she's never done a Disney commercial- but I'd be curious to see her twin! 🙂
    February 15, 2011 at 8:00am

    Agatha Shim- its on the German channel….i've seen it occasionally and its really a quick glimpse but wow…the resembles is sooo Allie!!………..i think its the UK disney channel………
    not much preparing until we officially have our briefing to let us know whats up….then movers will come and pack up everything…all i have to do is make sure everything is ready for them….YES, WE ARE SPOILED….they pack and wrap everything…..

    lol…….i am so excited to come back…and knowing we'll be in the same time zone………….whoa!!………….defifnitly, be visiting L,A a lot…..

    how are you feeling?….getting ready for the new baby…wow, your truly blessed…….
    February 15, 2011 at 8:29am

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