joy of love


some mornings, it takes more effort to peel myself out of bed than others.  i have to give myself a mental pep talk, visualize the steps of our morning routine, and give myself another mental pep talk.  and maybe an extra five minutes to close my eyes and pretend i’m still asleep.  because no matter where we are, what we’re doing, or what day of the week it is, we have the same exact routine every. single. morning.  times three.

assignment #13:  routines.

the following set of pictures should be viewed more like my mental checklist rather than the actual steps.  because the real-life execution of said steps is much less neat and orderly and much more haphazard and messy what with the constant urging to hurry up, the inevitable milk spills, the wiping of noses, the need to change a diaper just as we’re ready to leave, the scramble to find everyone’s shoes– all to get out the door by 7:45am in order to get to school on time.

on non-school days, sometimes it’s 11am before we make it through the morning routine.  sometimes it’s noon.  : p

drink milk!  times three.

get dressed!  times three.

eat breakfast!  times three.

brush teeth!  times three.

shoes on!  times three.
(the kids wear sneakers on school days, but we’re all about the crocs on non-school days.)

and now we’re ready to face a new day!  (even if by “new” i mean mid-afternoon!)

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  • Anonymous

    I hear ya on the morning routine. On busy "we are late" days… the kids' breakfast is usually snack trap cups filled with cereal that they eat in the car. Love the pictures!!! I look forward to them! -Evangeline

  • joyceandnorm

    I love this. You will have to blog a post like this next year but 'times four'. =p You figure something we do every day should make it easier to complete, but you're right there are so many 'interruppins' (says Melody). How many times we have been thisclose to being on time for something, but need to head back inside the house to change a diaper…. Sidenote: how do you like those toothbrushes?

  • Stef

    Loved the pictures & the post Michelle! Waking up never gets easier, but at least the morning routine does as they get older. Once they're ALL in school, then it's about management instead of physical labor. Hmmm…I change my mind, maybe the physical labor was easier. At least I still had control as the executive decision maker 🙂

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