joy of love


once the kids are all tucked in bed for the night, phil most oftentimes has more work to catch up on.  sometimes he’ll be on the computer in his makeshift office and sometimes he’ll bring out his little laptop and work in the living room.  and most times, i can be found lounging on the couch in the living room feeling pretty spent after another day caring for kids, meals, and home.  we’re both totally beat at the end of the day.

but one thing we definitely look forward to is our weekly top chef night.  it’s our most favorite show and usually all work is put aside so we can enjoy watching it together, discussing the dishes, and throwing out comments about who our most and least favorite contestants are.

and it usually means we end up having a late-night snack or dessert while watching because it’s nearly impossible to watch a show about food without feeling the need to then eat something.

so instead of going out and painting the town red, ninety-nine point nine percent of our nights are spent staying in and chilling on our red living carpet.  it’s how we roll.

assignment #17:  staying in.

hold on to your hats for yet another breathtakingly unawesome picture showcasing the stark wonder that is our bleak living room.  i switched it to black and white to spare you from being subjected to our bright red living room carpet once again.  you can thank me later.  šŸ˜‰

a totally posed shot.  phil usually doesn’t assume such a contemplative posture unless i tell him to quit making goofy faces and be normal.

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  • Judy

    richard and i LOVE Top Chef night as well. we "eat" up every minute with great delight. I think it's our most favorite show…That show seriously inspires me to cook more!

  • Anonymous

    Brooke Fermin
    That's how we roll too! Love Phil's face and I am wondering where all the toys are? My carpet might be red, I can't see enough of it to tell… šŸ™‚
    February 23, 2011 at 1:19pm

    Michelle Tsai
    Ha ha, Brooke! I did a cursory toy pickup just before taking this pic. They're all on the smaller couch on the opposite wall. Otherwise you're right, the toys are normally all over the floor!
    February 23, 2011 at 2:09pm

    Kate Avedissian
    I totally ADORE staying home, and I think the kids like it too. if it weren't for DVR, i doubt we would be able to watch any shows as a couple.
    February 23, 2011 at 2:58pm

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