joy of love


every afternoon, i put the girls down for a nap and then mikey and i tackle his homework.  when that chore is finished, he gets one treat out of our candy bowl and heads into the living room to watch one show of his choosing.  lately, his favorite show has been bubble guppies.  after that’s over, he turns off the tv and then plays by himself while i go take a nap.  he finds this time to get kinda lonesome.  though he doesn’t really complain about it, i know he’d much rather have allie stay awake and keep him company.  she’s on the verge of not needing a nap anymore, but still does need one more often than not.  he can’t wait for the day when his little sister can stay up and play with him all afternoon.  he even wrote about it in his journal.

but until then, he does have ‘alone time’ in the living room.  and he’s very good about not disturbing me so that i can get a nap in, too.

so what does he do by himself all afternoon?

assignment #19:  when they’re gone

his most favorite thing to play with everyday are his legos.  he plays with them by the hour.  but his most favorite thing is when everyone wakes up again so he’s not by his lonesome anymore.

my poor little social guy.  even surrounded by siblings, there are still moments to feel lonely…     : (

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  • janet

    aww, audrey is going through the same thing right now! while mikey plays with legos, audrey plays with dolls or plays dress up. who knew being the first child could get so lonely at times? haha.

  • joyceandnorm

    how sweet that he misses his sisters when they're napping. but i am so glad allie is still a napper. they need that rest during that age. but more fun memories to come when they can keep each other company during that time! legos are the best too!

  • Anonymous

    Brooke Fermin
    Seriously, we have got to live next to you! Luke is the exact same! Legos, lonely and wanting me to play but will let me have some quiet time. They are so sweet… I love it! Love the journaling about his sister as well. Sweet Mikey!
    March 3, 2011 at 12:35pm

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