joy of love


alright, so i fell terribly behind with my joy of love posts.  what with contractions coming and going and the constant urge to close my eyes and sleep for the next month, it may take me a bit longer to get to them all.  but, i AM determined to finish the assignments one way or another.  and who knows?  maybe the newest tsai will get to join in the fun for a few of them, too!

assignment #22:  face (portraits)

makes friends easily wherever he goes
is a great big brother
keeps us smiling and laughing everyday
ernestly tries to do his best
yells when he’s excited

always conscientious
loves to draw
likes to be known as mommy’s helper
is a loving sister and friend
enjoys being with her family
loves to be a big girl
although still a baby
unique quirks which we love
relishes making mischief
ever-ready to test the limits
naturally affectionate, yet oh-so-stubborn

ok, so lauren wasn’t quite in the mood to give me a smile.  here’s one of her not making a face.

but i still think the other one captures what she’s really like.  heh heh.

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  • Judy

    mikey looks exactly like dad, allie looks like mom + dad, lauren looks like you.

    amazing. love the expressions and faces.

    can't wait to see what the fourth one will look like!

  • Jenny

    you are so good about keeping up with the project. as you can tell, i gave up. after spending a lot of time finishing up bethany's videos, i was just too far behind.
    let's try to get together again before baby #4 makes his entrance. πŸ™‚

  • Anonymous

    Kate Avedissian
    i love how you wrote to their names, it was fantastic…you should have written one for number 4, you do have a face picture of him too….okay that was just a shameless way to get you to divulge his name.
    March 1, 2011 at 11:39am

    Michelle Tsai
    nice try kate, nice try. all will be revealed very soon… πŸ™‚
    March 1, 2011 at 7:02pm

    Kate Avedissian
    grrrrrrrrrrrrr, gotta give me credit for tryin' love ya, take care!!
    March 2, 2011 at 5:49am

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