joy of love


baby tsai seems to be anxious to meet us as i’ve had a few signs of early labor this past week.  hoping he’ll stay put at least a couple more weeks as i’ll be 35 weeks tomorrow.

prior to the births of our previous children, i’ve always felt a little wistful over how things will change with the new addition.  i felt sad the last night i tucked mikey in to bed thinking how that was our last time being just him and me before allie joined us.  then, i felt sad over how big-yet-little mikey and allie were as they slept in their new bunk bed before lauren joined us.

it’s not that we haven’t loved welcoming each new little one into our family, it’s more my thinking about how things will change for each of them, how there might be less attention available for each one, how they each might have to grow up just a bit faster in order to make room for one more.

turns out i’m not such a big fan of change.

but God was faithful to prepare the kids’ hearts with each new addition to the family and the kids adjusted beautifully each time.  i couldn’t have asked for a sweeter welcoming committee for each new baby.

and so, here we are again at that same place just before we welcome another little one home.  and i’m feeling a little wistful again.

probably brought on as i looked this morning through some of the first pictures i posted on facebook.  all for today’s photo assignment.  darn you, fb.

assignment #23:  facebook

this was just after we had moved back to california.  mikey was three, allie was maybe 18 months.  wah.

mikey’s first day of preschool.  he was four.  wah.

and here’s lauren just after we brought her home from the hospital.  WAH!!!


but here’s something that i definitely don’t feel too sentimental over, due in part to the fact that these were taken before phil and i ever met.  and for that, i am thankful.

nope, not feelin’ it.

and again, no.
sometimes, there just aren’t words to ‘splain it.
like i said before, darn you, fb.
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  • joyceandnorm

    Can't they stay little forever? Okay, maybe not forever….that's a long time to change diapers, but you know what I mean. Definitely cherish each moment….except those last 2 moments. You might have to explain… =p

  • Kate Avedissian

    I totally understand your feelings…for me it was almost a pre-postpartum depression. Sorta of already missing the preggo belly and little kicks and hiccups that only you can feel. You'll do fine, and I'll be praying baby boy Tsai stays put for a little longer.

  • Judy

    wahhhh. those pics make me want to go wahhh too! some days i wish naomi would grow up already so that the tantrum days would end and most days i wish she'd never grow up. love thos pics of those precious moments. praying that baby tsai will keep in the bun a bit longer.

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