joy of love


it tends to feel like a mini-vacation/party when daddy’s home for a whole weekend.  the mood is lighter, the fun is more accessible, the food is admittedly junkier, and the mess is completely out of control.  but it’s safe to say that we’d all vote to have daddy home even with the extra mess and diminished order.

especially when daddy announces it’s movie night.  or in this particular case, nba slam dunk contest night.  cuz that’s when the party really gets raging.

assignment #20:  when they’re home

note:  the grapes are there as the healthy element to offset the pizza, pasta, and chips n dip.  gotta insert the mom influence somewhere, right?

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  • joyceandnorm

    junkier, yes. over here too. hubby was the one to introduce me to salads, but if i ever had to go on any kind of diet, he will so not be my accountability partner. freezer stocked with ice cream year-round.

    at least one of the three seemed as interested in movie….uhh…nba slam dunk contest night as phil. =)

  • Jami

    would have never known it by how clean it was when we came over last night~! 😉 sorry for leaving it a mess again!! 🙁

    thanks for yesterday… we had a good time… your kids are precious~!

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