joy of love


the directions:  Get a sitter and go out on the town!!!  Take the point and shoot and take some fun portraits of you together.  Tickle each other.  Laugh.  Have fun!

the key point:  Go anywhere but HOME!

the tip:  You have to ask someone else to take your photo for this prompt.  Just find someone who is approachable and ask him or her to snap a quick photo of you.  Donโ€™t be embarrassed!

Oh, and be sure to put your camera in auto mode so a stranger can figure it out.  This prompt isnโ€™t about artsy shots as much as it is about having a photo of the two of you together!


thanks to our sweet friends, jami and james, (THANK YOU GUYS!!!  not many souls would bravely volunteer to watch three ankle-biters, at the SAME TIME!), we actually got to go out for an evening away from home.

i can’t tell you what a refreshing and just plain old FUN time it was.  especially for me.

nice to feel like a kid again.

i left the plans up to phil and as always, he didn’t disappoint.

we started out at the nearby movie theater and watched “adjustment bureau”.  not sure that i’d highly recommend watching it, but seeing as how the last movie we watched in a theater was two and a half years ago the day before lauren was born, i think i’d enjoy pretty much any movie.

didn’t get to ask anyone to take a picture of us at the movie theater, so we hopped into the photo booth that was there instead.  we used to do this all the time when we were dating.

and because phil purposely planned our date really close to home, we also had time to go out for a deeeelicious dinner, too.  i really, really love that he thinks of these things.  cuz i probably would’ve driven somewhere further away but then would only have had enough time to do one thing before having to head back home.

anyway, we ended up finding a hidden jewel and feasted on things like foie gras with a mandarin orange gastrique, edamame with truffle butter, yellow tail carpaccio, grilled rib-eye with garlic fried rice, among other things.  yes, we ordered a lot.  and ate it all!  ๐Ÿ™‚  and i totally would’ve taken pictures of all the pretty plates, but chose to respect the request to not take pictures of their food (which was printed on every page of their menu).  aw well, they shall live on in my memory.

i asked our very nice server to take our picture before the food came out.  here we are in auto mode.  ๐Ÿ™‚

thank you again, jami and james!  we had a really great night out and it was timed perfectly to be our last hurrah before ankle-biter #4 joins the party.  love you guys!

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  • Kate Avedissian

    do many people take photos of their food?? I would have never thought that any restaurant would be against a little food paparazzi. oh well, at least you got out and got your assigned pictures.

  • James

    Hi Michelle! Thanks for entrusting us with your precious kiddos! We had a lot of fun with your uber welll-behaved cuties ๐Ÿ™‚

    Can't wait to meet #4!

    Surprised to hear they don't let you take pics of their food…there's tons of pics on yelp if you want to re-live your date night…

    Let us know anytime if you should need anything, okay?

    Miss your clan!


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