old blog

2-item combo.

my unofficial birth plan has but two items on it:

  1. have the baby in the hospital.  as in, not at home, not in the car, not in a taxi, not in an ambulance, not in the parking lot outside the hospital.
  2. get a good epidural.  period.

i figure if i keep it short and simple, i’ll have a greater chance of having the ‘birth of my dreams’.  i told phil it was his job to make this birth plan happen.

will let ya know how it goes.

any day now…

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  • Kate Avedissian

    ha ha, sounds like both of my birth plans…i nearly walked out of our birthing class, because I wasn't doing any of that breathing crap. I cannot wait until we hear how it goes this time. with #4 you just want to camp out at the hospital, just to make sure #1 doesn't happen.

  • Laurie Len

    Praying for you and your little one! Yep…I would have liked that birth plan for my #2…but I got an ambulance ride and no epidural instead. Blah.

    Can't wait to meet #4!


  • Anonymous

    Brooke Fermin
    My birth plan is exactly the same. 🙂
    March 12, 2011 at 4:46pm

    Christine Nah Song
    hey michelle! haven't been able to catch up in a while! i'm praying for your birth and am sooo happy for you!
    March 12, 2011 at 11:43pm

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