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call me crazy, but staying in the hospital for the couple days after having a baby always feels like a mini-vacation to me.  i mean, someone brings you warm food three times a day, nurses bring you juice cups, graham crackers, and turkey sandwiches for late night snacks, you get to just lie around in bed all day, and they’ll even whisk the baby off to the nursery if you want to get some shut-eye.  what’s not to love?

the only thing that keeps it from being a truly great getaway is the terribly uncomfortable pull-out chair bed that phil gets to sleep on.  i suggested he bring an air mattress this time around, but he declined.  i guess that would have been a little weird to make oneself too comfortable there.

anyhow, here are some pictures from our latest “mini-vacation”!

hooked up to the iv and epidural, and all’s well with the world.

before we knew it, baby jonah joined the party!

“what in the world just happened to me?”

“hi, mommy.”

all’s well with the world again.

bundled up warm and snuggly the next morning.

catching a mid-morning nap with mommy.  (can’t get enough of that newborn smell!)

 awake and ready to party!

uncle johnny and cousins j and j popped in for a surprise visit!  (auntie joanna came for a second surprise visit later that night but we forgot to get a pic of her.  darn it!)

thanks uncle johnny for offering to take a picture of the three of us.  it didn’t even occur to phil or i to get a picture of us without the other kids being there.  and thanks for the in-n-out, too!  yum!  πŸ™‚

my baby jonah.

getting some love from daddy.

already a happy little guy.

our celebration dinner!

all dressed and ready to go home!

“really with the hat, mom?”

not a big fan of getting buckled into the carseat.

ready to head home and meet the rest of the family!  (yes, this mother of four forgot to bring blankets for the baby so we ended up having to take a couple from the hospital.)

and so, our new adventure as a family of SIX begins!

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  • Jenny

    oh my, jonah is so cute and you look great michelle.

    i know what you mean about a stay at a hospital feeling like a mini vacation. i totally felt that way the few times i had to stay overnight. and call me crazy, but i never minded the hospital food either. πŸ™‚

  • Natalie Brath

    Congratulations, Michelle and Phil. So happy to see you all looking great! Jonah is a sweet precious little boy.

  • Janet

    loved all the pictures. you don't even look like you just gave birth! maybe it comes with having done it 3x before. congratulations again. jonah is a cutie!

  • Anonymous

    Jessica Shutt Lopretta
    Congratulations! What a beautiful little boy!
    March 26, 2011 at 10:01pm

    Alex Lee
    Wow. Wife and I really loved this blog post. Congratulations!
    March 27, 2011 at 12:35am

    Michelle Tsai
    Thanks, Jess!
    March 27, 2011 at 9:40am

    Michelle Tsai
    Thanks, Alex! So glad to see you and S on fb!
    March 27, 2011 at 9:40am

    Kelly Yee
    Beautiful baby Michelle! LOVE him already!
    March 27, 2011 at 6:00pm

    Stacy Lee
    u r one amazing lady…u call giving birth a mini- vacation…no wonder u wanted 4 mini vacations…. congrats!
    March 27, 2011 at 9:12pm

    Brooke Fermin
    He is so cute Michelle! πŸ™‚ Love the mommy/Jonah pictures and I agree with someone who said he looks like his momma! Precious! Congrats on your new little boy and I too see the hospital stay as a vacation although here they "encourage you to keep your baby with you at all times!?" whaaaaaat? Love the celebration dinner too!
    March 28, 2011 at 7:12am

    Michelle Tsai
    Thanks you guys! πŸ™‚
    March 28, 2011 at 8:26am

    Michelle Tsai
    Brooke- they encourage that here too. I just encourage the nurse that I know what I'm doing, fourth baby and all. Ha ha!
    March 28, 2011 at 8:27am

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