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a question.

a woman, mrs. kim, is staying with us for two weeks to help out with cooking, laundry, and caring for the kids. i’m very grateful to her. she’s a friend of my stepmom’s. mira enlisted her help because she and my dad were very concerned about how i’d manage on my own with a newborn. i’m very grateful to them, too.

mrs. kim told me tonight she came to help me out because she kept thinking about her own daughter and what she’d do if her daughter were in my situation. and that’s how she decided to come stay with us.

which leaves me to wonder. and i’m only going to write about this once. how come my own mom doesn’t feel this way toward me? she hasn’t felt the slightest inclination or want to come after any of our kids were born. i’ve come to expect it and yet it still hurts the same each time it happens. it’s just one of those things i don’t think i’ll ever understand.

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  • Kate Avedissian

    sweetie, i wished i could give you a great big hug, i know your situation. how awesome of your dad and mira, and of the lady how came to help out with you.i'm sure if you were closer my own mom would come down to help you too.

  • Lindsay O

    I'm crying for you, dear, far-away friend. Those newborn moths can be SO exhausting and nearly crushing, even with tons of support. And the fact that you can't understand it is why you are a mom after God's own heart. I love that God's example of parenting has been your cue. And when your heart mourns the state of relationships in this world, I pray you feel the comfort of the Father who says, "Can a woman forget her nursing child, that she should have no compassion on the son her womb? Even these may forget, yet I will not forget you. Behold I have engraved you on the palm of my hands…" Isaiah 49:15 & 16a. Thanks for putting this out there. I love it when Christians are real enough to acknowledge to hurt they can't understand. It's good for all of us.

  • Jenny

    Oh Michelle, I'm so sorry…. I know the relationship you have with your mom hasn't been easy, and I'm so sorry she is not more involved in your family's life. How awesome though that God has instead blessed you with such a loving, giving, supportive and fun dad and step mom? Seriously, they rock as parents and grandparents!

  • joyceandnorm

    Sorry to hear about the hurt you are feeling. While I don't have an answer to your question, and I don't know your whole story, I do know that you are blessed with a wonderful dad and stepmom…and an even more awesome husband….and four amazing kiddos who love each other. And what a blessing you are to them, despite not having receive that same example from your own mom. Praying that this hurt will be taken away so you can enjoy these precious moments with your little baby.

  • michelle

    thank you sweet friends. thank you for sharing your thoughts and encouragement. i feel much better now after having recounted all the many blessings God has placed in my life and that includes each of you! i'm back to my normal happy-go-lucky self!

  • Judy

    God's grace and reminders of His blessings are so wonderful aren't they? thanks for your honesty and glad to hear you're back to your normal self.

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