joy of love


one thing i really love is watching phil play with the kids.  it’s endearing to watch them interact and it’s hilarious to see how animated phil becomes while he plays.  it’s pretty apparent that he becomes a big kid himself.  i’ll admit his big kid-syndrome sometimes is a bit maddening- like when we’re in a toy store and it’s pretty much me with my FIVE kids, or his insatiable hunt for collectibles, or his forever bringing home little trinkets for the kids.  but i also have to admit overhearing what he says while they’re playing keeps me laughing out loud.  and i love that.

assignment #27:  what they say.

here is but one episode of daddy playing with the kids.  in this instance, it was with our two girls.

“i am iron man and you are the evil barbie…”

“and now i must defeat you!  let me adjust my super-hero foot first.”

“there.  now i will defeat you!  rawwwwr!!”

“oh look!  spiderman is coming to help defeat the evil snow wipe!”

“playing with daddy is the best!”

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  • joyceandnorm

    "and now i must defeat you! let me adjust my super-hero foot first." that's what phil's going to say when the boys start coming around. hehe =p

    allie's hair is getting long again. i forgot when you had it cut. i'm a nervous wreck because i'm about to trim melody's hair again…the 2nd time since she was a baby.

  • Anonymous

    Kate Avedissian
    he sounds like Paul, he is always pretending to be sick, so the kids will doctor him. great post as usual!!
    April 13, 2011 at 12:11pm

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