old blog


this is my baby jonah.

lauren calls him “baby donah”.

which makes me immediately think of donuts.

this obviously, causes me to call him “jonut”.

his sweet cheeks have nothing to do with his new nickname.

and neither do his teeny tiny fingers.

or his teeny tiny toes.

eh, who am i kidding?  it has everything to do with the sweetness of these toes.

all the way up to his nose.

the only downside to this, of course, is my disturbingly frequent craving for donuts.

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  • joyceandnorm

    Love the toes! And little tushies are cute too! (mostly when they aren't poopy) And I can't smell it from here, but I'm guessing the intoxicating baby smell is great too. (again, mostly when they aren't poopy…or spit-uppy)

    It's official Jonut is on the blog's sidebar! He's part of the family! =)

    Mmmmm….donuts…I haven't had donuts in ages.

  • MillerMilleu

    What a delicious blog. I am craving donuts, but not another baby! Your photography is superb. That you are keeping up with it is wonderful! I tried. Took my own photos of the first two. Now….i don't even have a digital camera i like and who wants to drive to the store to get film!??

  • Anonymous

    Stella Lee
    he is so adorable!
    April 17, 2011 at 7:51am

    Janet Hong
    Jonut is sooo tiny and cute! It's only been few months for me but I am already starting to miss the newborn stage. I know, I'm crazy. 😉
    April 17, 2011 at 8:05am

    Nancy Fam
    He's precious Michelle. And what a sweet nickname started by his big sister who was herself the baby of the family not long ago.
    April 17, 2011 at 9:27am

    Michelle Tsai
    Janet- number 4. Just sayin you can still go for it!!
    Nancy- laurens always saying "I love baby donah, brudah". Love that and love that she's not been jealous of him and the time he takes up.
    April 19, 2011 at 7:03pm

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