old blog

five things.

this is kinda belated now, but still better late than never.

allie-girl turned five last month.  i still can’t quite believe she’s so big now.  i mean, just yesterday she looked like this:

back when she still had those delightful rolls on her arms.  i miss them.

anyway, where was i?  oh yes, the business of turning five.  it’s a big deal.  but it also happened to be dangerously close to when baby jonah was due.  so phil and i decided that this year would be our no-birthday-parties year and that we’d celebrate by doing something special with each of the kids instead.

and lucky allie got five special things to celebrate turning five.

special thing #1:  to kick things off, we took her for her first grownup tea at the tea rose garden.  lauren came along by default and both girls got all dressed up for the occasion.

me and my girls.  lauren was in a poopy mood that morning.

so excited to use a real grownup teacup!

and soon enough the yummy tea food arrived!  originally, phil wanted to go to the all-you-can-eat tea at the huntington library because in his words, “if i’m going to have tea, i want to leave not still feeling hungry!”  unfortunately, they were closed that day, so my choice for trg and its prettier ambiance won out.

this girl’s poopy attitude slowly began to dissipate with each sip of herbal peach tea laced with four lumps of sugar.
meanwhile the birthday girl was having a wonderful time.
daddy and his girls.
special thing #2:  a couple days later, we went to build-a-bear where allie got to make her very own hello kitty and picked out a couple dresses for her.  (she’s BIG into dressing her dolls and stuffed animals up lately.)
special thing #3:  the day after that, she got to celebrate at her preschool.  i had previously signed up to bring the cupcakes for the party, and still being in denial about jonah’s imminent arrivial, planned to make something special.  but alas, back pain and pesky contractions reduced my grand plans in favor of something way simpler.  though it still took me ’til midnight to get them all done.
because i didn’t realize when i signed up that i’d be making SIXTY CUPCAKES.  as in FIVE DOZEN.
all strapped in and ready to roll!  because phil had started his vacation/paternity time off, he had the honor of driving allie and her cupcakes to school.
allie’s preschool throws a monthly birthday bash to celebrate all the kids born in that month all at once.  there are three classes in her preschool.  hence the sixty cupcakes.
special thing #4:  the kids were at their grandparents’ house the week of her actual birthday and they had a little party and cake for her there.  so sweet that they remembered!  
special thing #5:  daddy got her an ice cream cake so we could sing happy birthday to her the day they returned from grandpa’s house.
happy fifth birthday, my sweet allie-girl.  we are so glad you are part of our family and wouldn’t know what we’d do without you!  we are so thankful that God gave you to us and have loved watching you grow these past five years.  may He continue to bless you in the coming years as you grow into a lovely young lady in his sight.
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  • Jenny

    what an awesome 5th birthday!

    i have to ask, where in the world did you get the cupcake carrier? i must have it! i've only seen and had cupcake carriers where it's a pain to get the cupcakes out. yours is perfect for getting the cupcakes out without ruining the decorations.

    (sam's going to think i'm nuts b/c i already have two carriers. but then again, he knows how frustrated i get taking them out)

  • Jenny

    ha ha! i was so into the cupcake carrier that i forgot to add that the five things she did for her bday probably ended up being way more special to her than a party. i love that you finally got to take her to tea, and i'm eyeing that Hello Kitty from build a bear. 🙂

  • Kate Avedissian

    I love Lauren's expression in the first one. You guys absolutely rock as parents. I want to be one of your kids, you do great things for their special day.
    side note, I have that same cupcake holder, but since Ian's school has a zero tolerance for home-made treats I have yet to use it for other than storage of our own muffins and cupcakes.
    Kudos to the grandparents for making the little lady feel special.

  • joyceandnorm

    happy birthday to allie!! the big 5!!! melody has been counting down since she turned 4 in february. =p

    60 cupcakes! love how they're strapped in. i'm positive the kids appreciated the cupcakes for the celebration.

    a birthday is not complete without the ice cream cake! we always have that too.

    love the new blog look too!

  • Judy

    aww happy bday! um, can the sun shine any brighter when she smiles! Oh my macarroni! anyway, i'm still thinking about her smile. and YOU are one crazy momma making 60 cupcakes when you're about to give birth!

  • Anonymous

    Stella Lee
    ditto about that cupcake carrier! What a sweet sweet way to celebrate!
    April 20, 2011 at 2:33pm

    Michelle Tsai
    Jenny and Stella- according to my friend Kate, the carrier is from the container store! The one I used was borrowed from allies school.
    April 20, 2011 at 4:47pm

    Lorraine Kajikawa
    I was gonna say… you must be a serious cupcake baker if you owned one of those! What a special birthday for Allie! 🙂
    April 21, 2011 at 10:07am

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