old blog

the birthday continues…

mikey also got to celebrate his birthday with his class the next week, too!  families are invited to bring in whatever they would like on their child’s birthday- most bring in pizza, cake or cupcakes, ice cream, and so on.  and again, originally i had something more elaborate and homemade in mind, but the thought of running around to gather everything and then preparing everything and then bringing it all in myself with three little ones in tow proved to be just too daunting a task.

so after consulting with mikey and later with ms. ella (the classroom assistant), i decided to go way simpler this time around.

and because mikey is the kid he is, he didn’t mind that his celebration was much simpler than his other classmates’ have been.  he was excited and nervous and looking forward to it all the same.

class pic.

and it’s not an understatement to say it was a simple affair.  store-bought cookies, milk, a book for the class library, and glow sticks.  the end.  oh and little party horns, too.

the little sisters were happy to take part in the simple party, too.

after the cookies (and recess), the teacher turned off the lights and let the kids put on their glow sticks to have a simple little dance party.

and after school that day, i asked mikey if he had fun at his birthday celebration.  he said yes.  i asked what his favorite part was.  he said he liked the cookies and glow sticks and horns and reading (i had read the book we brought to the class) and dancing in the dark.  then he continued, “but you want to know my best part of all was?”  i waited for him to continue.  he simply pointed to me and said, “you.  i was glad you were there for my birthday.”

that boy.  he’s simply the best.

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