old blog

busy mama.

we received some rather disheartening news earlier this week.  downright crushing, if we let it.  i’m sorely tempted to despair.  to wallow in disappointment and give in to anger.  so instead, i shall fight to focus my heart on the truth of who God is, that he is in control, and that this news didn’t catch him by surprise as it did us.  i shall trust that the Lord who loves our family will use this situation for our good and his glory because he is able to turn what looks bad to us into blessing beyond measure.

so i take comfort in the following from the mahaneys’ blog:

“Reader, if God has given you His only begotten Son, beware of doubting His kindness and love, in any painful providence of your daily life! Never allow yourself to think hard thoughts of God. Never suppose that He can give you anything which is not really for your good. Remember the words of Paul: ‘He who spared not His own Son—but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things’ (Romans 8:32).
See in every sorrow and trouble of your earthly pilgrimage the hand of Him who gave Christ to die for your sins! That hand can never smite you except in love! He who gave His only begotten Son for you, will never withhold anything from you which is really for your good. Lean back on this thought and be content. Say to yourself in the darkest hour of trial, ‘This also is ordered by Him who gave Christ to die for my sins. It cannot be wrong. It is done in love. It must be well.’”  (J. C. Ryle)

and this too…

“God’s grace is illustrated and magnified in the poverty and trials of believers. Saints bear up under every discouragement, believing that all things work together for their good, and that out of apparent evils a real blessing shall ultimately spring–that their God will either work a deliverance for them speedily or most assuredly support them in the trouble, as long as He is pleased to keep them in it….He who would glorify his God must set his account upon meeting with many trials. No man can be illustrious before the Lord unless his conflicts be many. If then, yours be a much-tried path, rejoice in it, because you will the better show forth the all-sufficient grace of God. As for His failing you, never dream of it–hate the thought. The God who has been sufficient until now, should be trusted to the end.” (Charles Spurgeon, Morning & Evening, March 4, morning.)

and while i wait for the good to come out of this trial, i’ll also take extra pleasure in the precious gifts God has entrusted to me and phil.  🙂  here’s the entry i was working on earlier this week before we got the bad news.


without fail, every time i’ve gone out with our four kiddos, i’ve felt eyes on us.  some downright stare for uncomfortably long spaces.  others are more discreet, but i can tell they are silently counting exactly how many there are.  and invariably, it always leads to a comment such as, “wow, four?  are they all yours?”  “are they twins?”  “how old are they?  they’re all so close in age!”

and then i always smile and nod and say yes, there are four, they’re all mine, and no none of them are twins.  the conversation always concludes with some variation of “wow, you’ve got your hands full”.  or “you’re  busy!”

but because i never want any of our kids to think there’s too many of them…

or that we don’t want each of them…

or that somehow there’s something bad about having many kids…

or that i’m unhappy because of them…

i always smile and nod again.  and think to myself, “yes, i am a busy mama with my hands full.  but i love it.  LOVE it.  because i love them.  with all my heart.”

i am blessed four times over.  and maybe next time, i’ll say it aloud!

“behold, children are a gift of the Lord.  the fruit of the womb is a reward.”  -psalm 127:3

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  • SkyBlueSeed

    love this post. So sorry that you are facing such a huge trial 🙁 love your heart for your kids that you want each one of them to know they are loved and wanted..being a complaining mom has somehow become the trend even in blog world, so your blog is a breath of fresh air! (plus beautiful photos!)

  • Jami

    hi michelle~
    praying for you… 🙁
    it's awesome to see the comparison of the 3 older kiddos with today's post and the pictures on the side margin… esp. lauren, she's gotten so big!!

    what are you guys' plans like for this weekend? let us know if/when you can do lunch/dinner… 🙂

  • joyceandnorm

    Sorry to hear about difficult times. Lifting you up in prayer today.

    While I'm not going through it myself, I have been bombarded by sad news from dear close friends these past 2 months. One of which you might have read about in our blog.

    The twins comment is funny. Which two do people think are twins? Someone asked me if my girls are twins. I know I say that sometimes because they have the same face, but have you seen them? One is 2 heads taller than the other, and in totally different stages in life. Anyhow, you have 4 wonderful blessings + 1 big one if you count Phil too, and even though I don't "know" you, I can tell that each one of them knows that you think they are special.

  • michelle

    thank you for praying for us. i'll update when things are more settled.

    barbara- thank you for your comment and i'll definitely take that hug! 🙂

    sbs- thank you! your comment means a lot to me!!

    jami- see you this weekend!

    joyce- thank you for always being such a faithful reader and commenter. i appreciate so much the time you spend here and the encouragement and funny comments you've left. i do hope one day we actually can meet in person since i feel like we should definitely be real life friends. 🙂

  • Anonymous

    don't people know that the new chic is being a wonderful mommy of many! thinking an praying for you and whatever you're going through.


  • Anonymous

    Kate Avedissian
    Michelle, I would be staring too, because they are so darn cute. I'm sorry for the bad news, I hope your faith brings you through…i'll say a prayer for you as well. love ya!!!
    May 26, 2011 at 10:55am

    Michelle Tsai
    aw, thanks kate! 🙂
    May 26, 2011 at 12:11pm

    Stella Lee
    I get those same stares, too. 🙂 Sorry to hear that things are difficult right now. I can relate in that same way as well.
    May 26, 2011 at 1:32pm

    Brooke Fermin ‎
    🙂 I would also stare for Kate's reason! Cuties! Upholding you all in prayer as I sit up at 4 am with a little one as well! 🙂
    May 26, 2011 at 2:09pm

    Michelle Tsai
    You guys are sweet. Thank you. And thank you for cheering me up today. 🙂
    May 26, 2011 at 3:11pm

    Michelle Tsai
    Stella- I always smile when I think of you because we're going through a very similar walk w four! And very sorry to hear you're going through a difficult time as well. 🙁
    May 26, 2011 at 3:13pm

    Judy Sunu Lee
    michelle, you should just make business cards with your blog address on it and any time someone gives you a look, you should say, here you can read all about how awesome it is to be a mom of 4 very beautiful and wonderful children, and then they will see and realize that children are a blessing from the Lord!
    May 28, 2011 at 11:46pm

    Michelle Tsai
    Aw Judy, thank you for your kind comments both here and on the blog. I so appreciate them! now your idea would be perfection (what show is that from?) if I could get you to design the cards for me! then of course I'd have to look less crazed and disheveled when passing them out! :p
    May 30, 2011 at 5:25pm

    Judy Sunu Lee
    what show??? huh? there are super cute b-cards at minted.com or tinyprints! you should do it! and then you can direct more traffic to your awesome blog, start a side photography business and earn $$$ just by these once-ignorant people who discover your wonderful stories and keep clicking to hear more! 🙂 okay i get carried away, but TOTALLY possible!
    May 31, 2011 at 2:49pm

    Michelle Tsai
    judy- sorry, it was a lame allusion to that one friends episode where jill goodacre offers chandler gum in the atm vestibule and he says "gum would be perfection". yeah. sorry. you definitely hit on one of my 'someday' dreams though– becoming a 'real' photographer would be a dream come true! 🙂
    May 31, 2011 at 9:24pm

    Michelle Tsai
    oh and btw, i've taken your advice and am in the midst of converting the blog posts into a book so thank you for that suggestion!!
    May 31, 2011 at 9:25pm

    Judy Sunu Lee
    ohhh i get it…i'm gettin' old even tho' friends is in my generation…how can i forget so easily! awesome about the blog posts into a book. what a wonderfully special gift that will be for all your kiddos.
    May 31, 2011 at 9:41pm

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