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kinder-pomp and circumstance.

i am in the midst of packing frenzy.  we are getting ready for our seventh move.  one month ago, we were planning on moving to orange county.  then two weeks ago, the plans changed and we were going to stay where we are a little longer.  and one week ago, an opportunity presented itself where we could be a blessing to some friends by moving, and so… we’re moving.

my head is spinning.  someday i think i’ll be able to write down the crazy story of what this past month has been like for us, but i’m not there yet.  right now, i’m busy packing.  🙂

but i do want to get the memories from mikey’s kindergarten graduation written down before i forget too much.  warning: lots of pictures in this one as is only fitting for a firstborn’s kinder-graduation.

so last week…

mikey graduated.  from kindergarten.  the graduates were asked to wear their “fanciest clothes”.

i had bought matching ties for father and son and now seemed to be a good time to use them.

correction:  i had bought matching ties for father and sons.

grandpa made a special trip down to attend the graduation.  he also insisted on wearing jonah in the baby carrier the entire time.  have i mentioned that i love my dad?

here comes our graduate!

each of the kids had an eighth grade science buddy for the whole year.  the buddies would come each friday to do a science-related project together.  mikey’s buddy was a really nice kid named justin.  he would give mikey a hand-drawn card on each holiday during the school year.  phil and i were really impressed with his drawing skills.  i saved all the cards.  anyhow, the buddies worked together to make these life-sized paintings of the kindergarteners.  i saved that, too.

there’s my little guy in his ‘fanciest’ clothes!

each of the kids had part of a speech memorized to say to the audience.  mikey’s part was, “and we will succeed.  yes, we will indeed.  98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed!”

at one point, one parent from each family was asked to join their graduate as they had something special to say.  phil said i should go.  i knelt by mikey and he carefully presented me with a flower and whispered, “thank you mommy for helping me with my homework everyday.”  tears sprang into my eyes and i very nearly busted out the ugly cry.  i hugged mikey tight and told him how very proud i was of him for all his hard work and great attitude he had this year.  later mikey told me that he was glad i was the one who came up because he meant his special message and flower for me.  🙂

though it wasn’t long before the flower was claimed by a little sister.

and then another little sister.

it was a veeeery long and drawn-out ceremony.  over two and a half hours of pomp and circumstance.  phil said this graduation was even longer than his medical school graduation.  and that’s saying something.  so, we had to find ways to keep the little ones entertained and somewhat quiet.

happily though, the littlest one slept through the entire thing nestled against grandpa’s chest.

each of the graduates also had an opportunity to give their thanks, their favorite part of kindergarten, and what they wished for (see?  over two and a half hours!) before getting their certificate.  mikey thanked his teacher for teaching him a lot of things, said his favorite part of kindergarten was you get to do a lot of things, and he wished his baby brother could grow up so he could play with him.

there were also three or four songs to perform.  this one involved star-shaped sunglasses.

and finally, there was the throwing of their caps!

but it wasn’t over yet!  there was also a father/daughter dance (the chicken dance) followed by a mother/son dance (la raspa).  yeah, kinda random.

my sweet boy and i survived kindergarten!!!  (and i couldn’t be prouder of him).

then it was time to eat!  each family was asked to bring a family favorite dish.  here was my chance to show off my culinary prowess.  so i dug deep and made…  mac ‘n cheese!  hey, it IS a family favorite anyway…  and was a big hit with the kids.  : p

mikey and one of his good buddies.  who asked him mom if he could stay with mikey the one time i forgot it was early thursday and was forty-five minutes late to pick him up.  hey, it was soon after jonah was born…

the graduating class of 2011!

these two little sisters would often see each other while coming to pick up their older siblings from school throughout this year, and became friends along the way.

i asked ms. ella to take a family picture for us.  and here it is.  thanks, ms. ella!  🙂

he DID it, folks!!

ok, so the graduation was on tuesday and there were still three days left of school.  so here’s mikey and ms. n on the actual last day of school.

mikey and another good buddy, d.

and the kiddos with the class volunteer, ms. ella.  she worked every day in mikey’s class and stayed as long as the teacher did to help her out- for free!  she was also especially sweet to our girls and encouraging to me.  and also stayed with mikey the one time i forgot it was early thursday and was forty-five minutes late to pick him up.  hey, did i mention i had just had our fourth child?  just sayin.  in any case, we’re gonna miss her.

and there you have it- the kindergarten graduation of our firstborn child.   whew!

now i gotta go pack for reals.

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  • joyceandnorm

    congrats to mikey!!! i attended my sister's class's K grad 2 weeks ago. no, she didn't make her program 2+ hrs long. yikes! but it was fun to see how her students have grown through the year even though i didn't really know any of them. looks like ms. n and ms. ella put in a long of work to put together the graduation. they must be just as proud of the kiddos.

  • Jenny

    woo hoo! congratulations mikey. 🙂 i love the matching ties, and i think it's great that the teachers made their kinder graduation really special with all the personal touches. sure it took a long time, but totally worth it.
    one down, three more to go! 🙂

  • KellyY

    Congrats Mikey! Your mom did great in capturing all the moments. 🙂 So proud of you!

    Michelle – tears in my eyes when he said "thank you for the helping with the homework". He is sooo sweet!

  • James

    congrats to mikey! all that hard work over the last year with school and stuff will pay off. will miss you guys, but I'm glad you guys are near. 🙂

  • Jane

    holy moly! what a production! jonathan's K "graduation" was a special day with cheese & crackers and fruit. dang. i feel jipped. =D

  • Stef

    Wow, yeah, that's a lot a hoopla! But hey, for all that homework that he did, he deserved a whole lot a hoopla! 🙂 Congrats Mikey! And congrats Michelle for getting through your 1st year of Kindergarten!

  • Lorie

    Yay for Mikey and summer 'break'! Whew – what a graduation ceremony! Sounds like he had a really fun year with a lot of great people. Congrats to him and you for the many hours of homework time! It's fun to hear that he's still just as sweet as ever, giving you such a tear-jerker compliment. I probably would've brought out the ugly cry if in the same situation! :/

    Oh, and since when did he lose his FRONT tooth?? I must've missed it. Both of Jenna's are loose, so I think she just might need them for Christmas this year. 😉

  • Anonymous

    Sam Is
    great shots michelle
    June 15, 2011 at 2:29pm

    Stacy Lee
    oh my! the matching ties are adorable x 3!!! soooo cute!
    June 15, 2011 at 11:50pm

    Brooke Fermin
    I also love the matching ties! Where did you get them? And at least this packing could be one of the last times right? Happy for you all! Congrats Mikey! I cried at Luke's preschool graduation- time is in warp speed! Mikey is such a sweet boy and I love how his grad cap is a little too big. He must still be your peanut like Luke is ours!
    June 16, 2011 at 6:12am

    Michelle Tsai
    Brooke- Matchingtieguy.com. But I got ours when they were on mamabargains for half off. Figured they'd come in handy at some point. 🙂
    June 16, 2011 at 8:34pm

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