old blog

fellow-pomp and circumstance.

ok, so a few days after mikey’s graduation came phil’s graduation from fellowship.  and his graduating from fellowship meant that this ten-year road of medical school (with an extra year to get a master’s in public health thrown in for fun), internship, residency, and fellowship has finally, FINALLY come to an end.  well, almost.  phil has ten days left before actually being done.  why they do the graduation and then make you come back for three more weeks of work is beyond me.

last year’s graduation from residency had more pomp than this year’s graduation from fellowship.  it felt a little more exciting last year, even though we knew there was this extra year tacked on.  but this year felt more like we were limping across that finish line just because of the particularly difficult past six months or so.  and well, we’re both just kinda tired.

this was phil’s sixth post-high school graduation.  funny that it coincided the same year as mikey’s very first graduation.  🙂

so yes, this graduation was much more low-key and less pomp and no circumstance than mikey’s kinder-graduation ceremony.  but, we really enjoyed the more relaxed and casual atmosphere.  the graduating fellows were all called to the upstairs patio.

to assemble little wooden airplanes and fly them to symbolize how far they’ve come and how far they would go.  or something like that.  unfortunately, most of the planes spiraled straight downward.  so hopefully the symbolism doesn’t really foretell the future.  cuz uh, that wouldn’t bode very well for us.

the airplanes turned out to be a very good thing though, because all the kids there had a blast playing with them.  especially this particular kid.

my baby and my man.  sigh.  hello my baby.  hello my man.  (sorry, been reading too many beginning readers with mikey lately.)

it’s official, folks.  got his certificate and everything!  he’s DONE!!!!!

ho, ho, ha, ha, ha.  we’re all good friends here.  “it’s all about the fellows!”  😉

as well as another certificate for “special recognition in research” thrown in for good measure.  because, as one attending told our kids, “your daddy is a nerd.”

four fellows.  ha ha.  see what i did there?  double meaning, alliteration, and all?  ok, i’ll stop now.

and what fellow graduation is complete without a pinata?  there’s our baby getting pointers from her dad.

she done did her daddy proud!

and by golly, our girl was gonna get that donkey to spill its loot no matter what!  (the girl before allie knocked the poor donkey’s head off).

the older kids were blindfolded.  my peace-loving, non-violent son gave the poor donkey three gentle taps before stepping away to give the next person her turn.

finally, cuz it was getting dark, and cuz the donkey appeared to have been built like a tank (except for the head), the loot had to be poured out from above.

and that, my friends, is how one does a fellow graduation right!  🙂

way to go, honey for a job very well done.  we’re so proud of you and can’t wait to begin the next chapter of our lives!

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  • Lorie

    Yay! Hooray!! Woo Hoo!!! CONGRATULATION TO PHIL!!! And you all! Enjoy your next phase…which I hope involves a lot of rest and relaxation! (Of course, FUN is just a given if you're a Tsai 😉 ENJOY!!!

  • James

    congratulations phil!!! very proud of you. i apologize profusely for being such a bad influence in college, hehehe. i know i probably set you back a couple years, but YOU DID IT!!! Not only are you now a doctor, but a great doctor that everyone loves and trusts. you did your family and UCLA proud!!!! congrats again!

  • Jenny

    congratulations to phil and to the entire family. you've all been through a lot, and i hope everything is smooth sailing from here.
    let's play!

  • Anonymous

    Steve Park
    congrats to you all…now?
    June 21, 2011 at 1:30pm

    Michelle Tsai
    Now we move back to south bay, Steve! :)!
    June 21, 2011 at 1:31pm

    Sonia Joo
    Good job, Phil! Good job, Michelle & the kids!
    June 21, 2011 at 5:16pm

    Tara Wiesley Miller
    Oh i bet you are so excited! What a joyous new chapter to begin.
    June 21, 2011 at 5:26pm

    Alex Lee
    Awesome news!
    June 21, 2011 at 7:39pm

    Stella Lee
    congrats to you all! jonut is soooo cute, btw! well, all of your kids are, but he has a an extra scoop of cuteness!
    June 21, 2011 at 8:04pm

    Brooke Fermin
    Yaaaaaaaaay! 🙂 We're not jealous…we're not jealous… Ah who are we kidding? 🙂 So thrilled for you guys and the start of the new chapter for Dr. Phil and the family. God is so good! Michelle, you know and I know what a superstar you are. Love you guys and enjoy the family time during this transition! Let us know what it is like being grown up!
    June 21, 2011 at 9:45pm

    Michelle Tsai
    Brooke- finally being grown up was exactly my thought here at the end. the most exciting thing? finally getting rid or our target clapboard furniture!! Superstar… Not so much. 😉
    June 21, 2011 at 10:26pm

    Christine Nah Song
    i'll "like" this 100 times! Yay! He's done!!!
    June 21, 2011 at 11:52pm

    Susan Chen
    June 21, 2011 at 11:55pm

    Jammie 'Carretta' Shafer
    already?! 😉
    June 22, 2011 at 7:11am

    Judy Sunu Lee
    YAY!!! Congrats to you guys! You deserve a job well done as well as a wife/mommy of the graduate. Serious props to you michelle!
    June 22, 2011 at 7:16am

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