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celebrate good times, come on!

alright, so the first week of july was a rather big one for us with moving (again) day,  then phil finally finishing fellowship two days later, then our ten-year anniversary two days after that.  it’s been so crazy busy lately that i haven’t had a chance to really process it all yet.

and we also celebrate lauren turning three this month, too!

whew, like i said, crazy busy.  but crazy good.

anyhow, those first two weeks of july was our time for work.

and last week?  well, that was our time to celebrate all the crazy goodness that God has poured into our lives.

by going to puerto vallarta!

it was originally going to be a second honeymoon of sorts, but ended up being more of a sleep-a-lot-eat-a-lot vacation because of a certain little stowaway who came along with us.  see him there on the red couch in the back?

no matter though, cuz i’ll take a sleep-a-lot-eat-a-lot vacation any day of the week.

plus, it wasn’t so bad having this little guy around.  he is kinda cute, after all.

even if his very favorite place to be was here, lying on our giant king-sized hotel bed in a nice air-conditioned room.

which meant we didn’t really get to do any excursions or anything while there.  but no matter, we had a beverage fridge todo incluido at our disposal.

so while our little guy enjoyed a nap on the king-sized hotel bed,

we got to enjoy a lovely room-service meal, also todo incluido.

another perk of sticking close to our hotel room?  we got to spend a lot of time relaxing in our very own spa tub on our private patio!  (phil really does know how to pick a good hotel).

while we did our best to enjoy the view, too.

and okay, we did get out to enjoy some meals at the hotel’s five restaurants.  again, todo incluido.  man, i was loving that todo incluido stuff.  incidentally, that right there was my favorite dish- coconut lime ceviche.  i ate it a total of four times last week.  and i would do it again this week if i could.  πŸ˜‰


phil’s favorite was this mahi-mahi dish.  actually, his favorite part of the dish was the rice!  and he’s not usually a fan of rice.  that’s how good it was.

and we slipped in a little beach-front lounging, too.

jonah didn’t know what to make of the giant ocean.  and it was really hot.  and really humid.  he wanted to go back to his king-sized bed in the nice air-conditioned room and pronto.

as for phil?  well, he took right to it like a fish to…  well, you know.

yes!  i’m finished with fellowship!!  and!  i’m in the ocean!!  on vacation!!!

strolling the hotel grounds was nice, too.

but mostly, the food was what i was there for.  oh, and the sleep, too.

eat-sleep-eat.  repeat.  for five beautiful days.

phil even ordered the escargots.  i had resolved in my mind that i would not be eating one when he ordered them.  but oddly enough, i did try one when it came out.  and it was good.  vacation does do funny things to a person’s resolve.

so all in all, it wasn’t too bad to have this little stowaway come along with us.

it was good times.

more vacation pics to come!

btw, in case you were wondering, our other three monkeys were having a great time at their grandparents’ house for the week.  πŸ™‚

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  • James

    Michelle, i'm loving your photos more and more…great job on the photography skills! really liked the phil/jonah sunset photo…GREAT JOB! hehe…the food looked awesome, the ceviche especially…

  • Jenny

    i have to brush up on my spanish, but i'm pretty sure i can figure out what "todo incluido" means. πŸ™‚ love it!
    what a fun getaway for you and phil (and mr. stowaway). i like the whole eat-sleep-eat thing you had going there. reminds me of cruising – which by the way, we still need to do together one of these days.

  • Anonymous

    Kate Avedissian
    totally postcard worthy shots there. how fun. What a great husband to take you on such a great trip.
    July 19, 2011 at 10:35am

    Tim Park
    awesome looking trip. equally awesome pics!
    July 19, 2011 at 10:48am

    Nancy Fam
    Wow, so beautiful. You have yourself a great husband. And you're pretty cool too.
    July 19, 2011 at 1:07pm

    Judy Sunu Lee
    GORGEOUS! and so glad you got some R&R!
    July 19, 2011 at 1:23pm

    Stella Lee
    a well deserved getaway for you both!
    July 19, 2011 at 1:46pm

    Sam Is
    great shots, especially of the ceviche!!! PV is awesome! they even have a Walmart just in case you forgot some stuff at home πŸ™‚ that is a well deserved & beautiful getaway, your family has been thru so much lately… which resort were you at?
    July 19, 2011 at 1:49pm

    James Lee
    oh man that ceviche looked GREAT! i remember this one GREAT taco stand in PV, that served the taco with little slivers of pineapple, it was goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood…and at $.75 per taco, i'd buy like 10 at a time!
    July 19, 2011 at 5:30pm

    Michelle Tsai
    Thank you guys for the kind comments! Y'all made my day. :). Btw Sam, we saw that Walmart too! And we stayed at the Dreams resort & spa.
    July 19, 2011 at 8:07pm

    Michelle Tsai
    James- NOW you tell me about this wondrous taco stand! Ha ha!
    July 19, 2011 at 8:08pm

    Evangeline Chung Kwon
    we were just in pv. =) awesome pictures!!! love the sunset picture of phil and your little one. i hear that there are 2 walmarts now.
    July 19, 2011 at 10:06pm

    Sam Is
    I heard Dreams was really nice. We were thinking of visiting there the last time we were in PV. You guys have to tell us about it. Did you guys get a chance to try any birria?
    July 20, 2011 at 12:43am

    Sam Is β€Ž
    Evangeline Chung Kwon where did you guys stay?
    July 20, 2011 at 12:47am

    Evangeline Chung Kwon
    At the Grand Mayan. Loved it there. Kids had a blast.
    July 20, 2011 at 1:01am

    Sam Is
    how did you and evangeline like the kids programs?
    July 20, 2011 at 8:51am

    James Lee
    sorry michelle, i'd tell you where it is if i could remember the name/exact location! now jami wants to go to PV.
    July 21, 2011 at 8:16pm

    Michelle Tsai
    Sam- We didn't use the kids program bc we only had Jonah w us and the min age to go was 3. But it sounded like other kids we overheard had fun there!
    July 21, 2011 at 8:48pm

    Michelle Tsai
    James- heh heh, then my plan was a success. πŸ˜‰
    July 21, 2011 at 8:49pm

    Sam Is
    We went to a great birria taco stand on Las Americas across the street from the Sheraton Buganvillas Resort next to the soccer field. Our guide takes his family there all the time. If see our PV pictures you'll see the stand. I hope we get to go again.
    July 21, 2011 at 11:06pm

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