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celebrate good times, part two!

ok, so i have more than a few vacation pictures i wanted to share, so there’ll be two more parts to this recap.

like i said before, we did very little besides eat and sleep during our vacation.  but, we did venture into downtown one afternoon to take in the sights.  (i feel the need to insert the disclaimer that phil took most of the following downtown pictures and therefore i cannot take credit for them should they strike your fancy.)

it was a very colorful downtown.  but still so hot and humid even right next to the water.  no ocean breeze here!

so some people went to great lengths to create their own ocean breeze.

it was a bit concerning to walk right under these live power lines that were loudly buzzing.

we made it down the length of the boardwalk, browsed a few of the flea market shops, then decided it was time for lunch.  at the blue shrimp.

time for another version of ceviche.  oh my, so delicious.

and aguachile.

and jumbo shrimp cooked three ways.  see those bacon-wrapped shrimps?  yeah, i knew that’d get your attention.  and yes, they were awesome.  i seriously have never seen bigger shrimps (ha ha, get it?) in my life.  the other two were coconut shrimp and tequila shrimp.  all delicious.

after lunch, we did a little more strolling and browsing.  because my husband has an odd attraction to little trinkets of all types.

while i kept getting hotter and humid-er.  which may or may not have been exacerbated by the fact that a certain little person was strapped on to me.  and by the fact that phil kept getting stopped by every other person on the street wanting to sell him a timeshare.  and he’d politely listen to their whole spiel.  we managed to avoid the aggressive timeshare guys at the airport, but didn’t realize every other person in downtown also had them to sell.  all the while, hotter…  humid-er…  crankier…

but a quick stop back at the hotel’s mini bakery (again, todo incluido) for a chocolate frappucino and carrot cake and mama was a happy camper again.  whew.

and we got back to our room just in time for the heaviest downpour during our stay!  it rained pretty much every afternoon while we were there, but this particular day was definitely the heaviest.  but no matter, it was perfect siesta weather.

and then it was time to eat!  again!  ah, what a life.

the beautiful food kept coming out.  so we had no other choice but to keep on eating it.

it woulda been a crime not to.

cuz that’s me:  law-abidin’ citizen.

especially when it comes to desserts and this delectable chocolate pyramid.

check back for the final installment tomorrow!  🙂

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