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celebrate good times, part three!

we aspired to sit on the beach and read at our leisure while on vacation.


our little third wheel kept throwing a wrench in our plans.  even though daddy tried his best to recreate the king-sized bed and air-conditioned conditions for the little guy.

somehow jonah could tell it wasn’t quite the same.

frosty, fruity beverages served beachside.  what’s not to love?

then again, being that little guy didn’t get to drink the frosty, fruity goodness and had a sweaty head to boot would both be valid reasons to not love the beach so much.  but he sure did love being held by daddy.

but dipping his toes into the water?

that was cause for some mild trepidation.

yep, jonah and his lily white skin weren’t big fans of this whole fun ‘n sun idea.

probably didn’t help that his squishy little legs didn’t have much clearance…

so methinks it’ll take a while before jonah and the ocean become friends.

alright, so i wasn’t entirely truthful when i said we didn’t do any excursions on this trip.  we did one.  we each signed up for a fifty-minute back, neck, shoulder massage and took turns going.  this was the outside part of the spa.  definitely good stuff.  so much so that phil came back raving (well, as much as phil raves about anything) about it and said he could see how people get hooked on going to spas.  heh heh.

meanwhile, young jonah was lounging in his favorite spot.

jonah actually did have his own pack-n-play bed to sleep in…

but more often than not ended up with us.  πŸ™‚

well, it IS hard to resist this sleeping baby goodness, isn’t it?

plus he’d distract us with his new tricks too.  guess who found his thumb!

even though adjustments had to be made with a little one along, it was still definitely fun to have him with us!

awww, last day of vacation…

and last meal of vacation…

really, really good times.

thanks for the memories, pv!

can’t wait to come back again someday!

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  • Anonymous

    Kate Avedissian
    wow that was great, i almost felt i was there too…seriously, Jonah is ADORABLE, those squishy legs, i want to nibble on.
    July 22, 2011 at 5:45pm

    Evangeline Chung Kwon
    love your pictures!
    July 22, 2011 at 7:31pm

    Brooke Fermin
    β€Ž:) Everything just makes me smile… Graduation, anniversary, baby BOY… Love it all! Phil looks so well rested and happy! Dave is on research all year so he is more tan now than he has been for the last decade. He also would like to know what hotel you stayed at. We highly enjoy the all inclusive! πŸ™‚
    July 22, 2011 at 7:46pm

    Michelle Tsai
    brooke- we stayed at the dreams resort and spa. loved it. we should go together next time! πŸ™‚
    July 22, 2011 at 8:09pm

    Jane Kang Park
    Beautiful pictures! Your stowaway is so super cute!
    July 24, 2011 at 8:18pm

    Michelle Tsai
    Aw thanks Jane! Yeah I think we'll keep him. πŸ˜‰
    July 25, 2011 at 9:41pm

    Brooke Fermin
    Dave will be done in 2013 and it will be our 13th anniversary… πŸ™‚ We'll plan it then- super fun!
    July 25, 2011 at 10:13pm

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