old blog

debf, part two.

so continuing lauren’s Day of Epic Birthday Fun, we headed off for…

another of this ratty-barbie-princess-dress-wearing-three-year-old’s favorite things.

just in time for hello kitty!

so even though she got her own cup filled with her favorite flavor (chocolate) and favorite toppings (gummy bears, m&ms, chocolate chips, and mini peanut butter cups- yes, the really healthy stuff), she preferred to dip into the cup her daddy and i were sharing.  but mostly to eat the mochi bits out of it.

ok lauren, so how old are you now?

no, not anymore…

not quite yet…

um, no.

“i have an idea, mommy!”

“let me make a face at you to distract you from becoming disturbed over the fact that i don’t know how old i am.  how’s this?”

“no?  well then, how about this?”

those silly faces she makes…  i seriously don’t know where she gets it from.

i sure hope it doesn’t run in the family.

i believe i mentioned this one loves ice cream (don’t tell her it’s frozen yogurt), right?  she did her best to lick her bowl clean long after everyone else was done.

this is the face of a happy camper.

checking to see if any stray bits of chocolate were left behind.

the DEBF continued at home after her nap.  i brought her out of bed and plunked her down at the table so we could do her cake.  she was still a little bleary-eyed.  being the fun parents we are, we decided to let them eat cake before dinner that night.  (and cuz uh, i was going to have dinner with some friends and needed to get going but didn’t want to miss her cake time).

okay so lauren, for real how old are you now?

um, no…

not quite that either…

ah, there it is!

she patiently endured our singing to her…

then daddy let her cut her own piece of cake, which she thought was a great idea.  not sure which side she was planning to leave for the rest of us, though!

and that is how her DEBF went down.

happy happy birthday, my precious lauren!  you bring so much joy and laughter to our family and we love you so very much.  God made you so uniquely YOU with your spunky, silly nature with a dash of spice thrown in.  i’m so happy you’re part of our family, dear daughter of mine!

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