old blog

text talk.

before i get to the post, i just wanted to say thank you for checking in on us here on the blog!  and to my faithful few- THANK YOU for your listening ear and for taking the time to leave a comment, both here and on fb (extra thanks for the ones left here as they’re easiest to include when printing the blog books).  i read every one (sometimes more than once!) and have felt the encouragement and love from them and appreciate you more than i can say.  blogging has been my way of celebrating God’s marvelous grace in my life and enjoying the blessing of these little ones.  knowing you’re there and loving on my family has brought me a whole bunch of joy.  so truly, thank you.

just sayin’.


ok, so i’m rewinding three months since i never got a chance to post this back in may.  which is when it happened.

one afternoon, out of the clear blue sky, phil sent me a text.  now, that part is not so unusual as that is our main form of communication when he’s at work.  the unusual part was that he got off work early (highly atypical) and anytime he gets off work early feels kinda like a party.  especially those last few months when he was working every day including weekends trying to juggle work in three different hospitals.  those were some rough months.  so suffice it to say, he was feeling jovial over a free afternoon.  from his joviality came this text talk:

phil: wanna go circus?
me: today?
phil: sure.
me: …ok!

so he got home, we loaded up the kids, and off we went to the circus!  where we beheld sights such as…

a woman spinning around and suspended from her head, people!

amazing feats of chin strength!

so, i wonder how one discovers this abnormal strength in one’s chin?

well, this doesn’t look safe.  surely he jests!

ta da!  he surely jesteth not.  that was oddly cool.

someone found the circus shenanigans a bit too loud, however.

and then the gypsies!  that bar seems a mite low, don’t you think?  and did you notice the FLAME OF FIRE there in the middle?  kids, do not try this at home.  (allie liked this particular act as she recently won the limbo contest at her school and impressed all with her flexibility.  but her bar was not quite as low as this.  and was thankfully sans the FLAME OF FIRE).




you… (ouch, hot!!)


turned out to be a very fun, very spontaneous afternoon.  always nice to mix it up now and again.  my kids’ daddy?  well, he’s simply the best.  🙂

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