old blog

de nile.

they say it’s not just a river.

jonut aka jonasu aka (most recently) jonaco-taco has sneakily gone and turned five months old on me.  *collective gasp*.  yes, that sure went fast!  and yes, i still think he’s a newborn.  or at least he should be.  and why yes, i do tell people he’s only three months old when they ask.  how’d you know?

and i wonder what it could mean when most of my nicknames for the poor kid are food-related?  hm, will have to ponder that at a later date.

because today, my friends, we shall dwell upon jonutter-butter in all his neonatey goodness.  here he is at 2.5 months old.  his true and rightful age.

or here at barely 3 months old, listening to daddy jamming on his guitar.  when he still spent most of his days (and nights) swaddled up tight as a bug in a rug.

it’s a bird!  it’s a plane!  it’s 3-month-old superbaby!

so let’s go ahead and humor the mommy who put her 4-month-old in this 0-3 month romper that he has obviously outgrown because she didn’t get a picture of him in it when it actually did fit.

and let’s not pass judgment on this same mommy who only last week busted out the play mat for her infant (ok, technically 5-month-old) son.  he IS only three months old, right?

it is a very, very good thing that jonacho loves having everyone around him and conversely hates to be alone.  hates it, i tell you.  it is a very, very good trait in a fourth child because uh, see how the others tend to flock to him and his “new” toys?

remember how i said jonah doesn’t like to be alone?  he actually prefers to nap out here in the middle of the action rather than be banished to a dark and quiet room.  all alone.  often phil or i will look over at him and see him zonked out while the other kiddos and dog are running amok, using outside voices inside, and causing general pandemonium and mayhem all around his blissfully unconscious self.

wait, what’s that you say?  you’ve never seen a newborn roll over, prop his own head up, and work the beginnings of an army crawl before?  that it’s more of a 5-month-old’s accomplishments?  well, to that i [modestly] say, my son is very, very advanced for his age.

well, newborns are very flexible, aren’t they?

ok, so i have never been to de nile, but i seem to be floating down it just fine, thank you very much.

happy five months to my infant, newborn son!  šŸ˜‰

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  • Kate Avedissian

    Michelle, I'm still in denial about Megan being 4 1/2, and even if Paul questions my actions about allowing her to cuddle in bed with us in the middle of the night…because I sleep better. Don't let him grow up, you keep on thinking him younger. thinking makes it so. love the last picture of you two.

  • joyceandnorm

    I'll join you in de nile too!! I just brought out our playmat the other day to occupy Emily while I reorg our closets. =p She had a blast laying there watching the musical star. =p But seriously, I can't believe J is 5 months already!

  • Anonymous

    Brooke Fermin
    I agree. Stay on de Nile. I am floating down it as well- I'm about a month behind you… šŸ™‚ Lily also needs bedlam to sleep- good thing she has two big brothers! (loud brothers!)
    August 22, 2011 at 7:02pm

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