old blog


and summer’s gone.  at least it felt that way with the bulk of it being taken up with the whole moving again thing.  but once we got mostly unpacked and settled in (er, once we just plain got sick of unpacking and left the rest of the boxes stacked in the garage for the next move), we found ourselves well into august already.

and because i know i will never get around to doing separate posts for each of the following events, i’m going to lump them all together here in one fell swoop.

so hold on to your seats, because here is our ghetto grand attempt to make one month feel like three months’ worth of summer fun.

if the tsai kids were to write an essay with the title, “what we did over summer vacation”, it would go something like this:  “this summer, we spent a week at our grandparents’ house, then we came back home just in time for…

vbs at our church!  we had a great time, except for maybe…

our little sister.  who mommy says was having a hard time adjusting after the move, being left at grandpa’s, and then being dropped off at vbs the day after we got back.  but mommy always says we roll with the punches so that’s what we did.  we think.  (thanks to laurie len for taking this picture- it’s hanging on our fridge and still cracks me up whenever i see it!)

we also got to spend a whole day with our good friends and wished the day lasted way longer than it did.

then we got to go to the oc fair!  mommy likes to call us her little crew.

daddy let us do the dart game where we each won a prize!

what we didn’t know was that daddy bought 100 tickets, and then bought the “30 ticket special” at the game booth which the australian-accented carnival game guy explained would buy us a handful of darts to throw for fun and then let us choose whichever prize we wanted afterward.  oops, forgot to mention that daddy bought THREE “30 ticket specials” so that each of us could win a prize.  we’re still not sure why mommy kept groaning at this point, however.

daddy says it was worth it though.

we also got to go to the beach one afternoon with our favorite (and only) cousins!

it was really fun digging in the sand and getting really messy.

we love our little baby cousin and think she’s the cutest thing ever!

we also got to spend lots and lots (and lots!) of days at home with nothing to do but play.  the sisters liked to play school in their ballet outfits.

while the big brother introduced the little brother to the wonder that is lego.

we’re happy to report that our little sister bounced back to her old self with all those days spent together at home.

daddy also got to take part in a mens’ ministry at church where they barbecued meat.  oh, and studied about God too.  daddy liked it so much that he practiced making meat at home and even let us help.  it was so good.  so good that we did it three nights in a row!

and that’s what we did over summer vacation.

the end.”

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  • Kate Avedissian

    i'm tired, time for a long fall nap πŸ˜‰ I think Lauren and Megan have the same facial expressions and at times(rolling my eyes…all the time) she has a 'tude the size of the grand canyon.
    as usual you did a great job with the post.

  • Jenny

    your posts are always so entertaining! πŸ™‚ i'm loving all the pictures of your kiddos – especially the playing school picture, and of course lauren's vbs picture. too funny!

    am i famous now that i made it on your blog? :)we must plan another get together soon.

  • Laurie

    Hey…I remember taking that VBS photo of Lauren! It was a keeper. Can't wait to see her in Fireflies class. She'll have a great time!

  • michelle

    @jenny- ha ha, thanks! and yes, you are famous now. with all 12 of my readers! πŸ˜‰

    @laurie- ack, i totally meant to put in a photo credit for your picture! sorry about that, fixed it now. and it's still crazy to me that lauren is moving in to fireflies- that's the class mikey entered when we first moved here!

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